Chapter 21

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Tom's Pov

Somethings been wrong with Jordan. He's been rejecting more and more of my kisses and even hugs.

I hope it has nothing to do with the fact Martha basically told him its up to him to save Andor.

"Hey Tom! Come here." Sonja says and I walk over to her.

"What?" I snap.

"I know what's wrong with Jordan."

"Keep talking."

"But I need some diamonds." She's still in the diamond stage! Ha peasant!

"I got you covered, now spill it." I demand.

"Well you kind of broke his heart bailing on wedding planning. He thinks he's doing something wrong. I need 23 by the way." Sonja says and I hand her the diamonds.

"I'll talk to him later. Do you know what he's up to today?" I ask.

"No I'm not sure."

"K I'll talk to you later."

Time Skip

Jordan's Pov

Sometimes the world hates people. It can be a cruel place. But why me?

Why can I go from being so happy to feeling the way I used to.

I feel a far to familiar burning in my wrist but I ignore it. I have every reason not to do that.

"Jordan?" Tom's sweet voice says and I turn to see him.

"You gonna put that away?" After Tom says this I realize I'm holding a knife.

"Uhh yeah I was just about to do that." I put the knife in the drawer and dry my hands.

"I wanted to apologize for not coming to wedding planning with you." Tom says and I let my eyes fall to the floor.

"Ok. " is all I can get out.

"Jordan look at me." Tom tilts my head up so I'm looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I really am." He says kissing me gently.

I nod then bury my head in Tom's shoulder. The burning in my wrist only gets worse every second I resist.

Tom starts to pull away but I know if he lets go, so will I.

"No. Not yet." I whisper and Tom wraps his arms around me again.

Tom's Pov

I'm not sure what's up with Jordan. But hey after days of not getting hugs this is amazing.

Jordan's mumbling to himself. I wish I knew what about, but its up to him to speak up.

"I love you." Jordan says and I feel him looking up at me.

I look down and kiss him forcefully.

"Love you too." I pause

"We should do something. Like some epic shit. Like beat the twilight forest, but we already did that. How about strip mine in the deep dark! Because how epic is that!" I joke and Jordan gives a slight smile.

"If that's what you consider epic." He replies.

"We could have like a mining competition. Maybe Tucker would want to come along. See who could come home with the most diamonds?" He asks and if that's what he wants so be it.

"Sure lets go see what he's up to."

Time Skip

Jordan's Pov

"Wangs ready in, 3, 2, 1! Go!" Tom yells are we all start strip mining.

Ulg stupid lava pools everywhere! This angle wing thing has saved my life more times than I can count!

At the end of the day I really don't care about the diamonds.

I do care about having quality time with two of my best friends.

You never know when it could all end. Ever think about that?

You don't know when you could die. It could happen today, tomorrow, or years from now.

But its up to you to live everyday to its fullest. Because,

Life's to short, Make the most of it.

Just Friends? (A SyndiSparklez fanfic) (book 1)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now