Chapter 28

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*Two days later*

Jordan's Pov

One day till the wedding! I don't think I've ever been more nervous for any event, ever!

Its not that I'm in any doubt about my choice, its more about everything going smoothly.

I've asked Martha to be my maid of honor and Wag to be a groomsmen. They both agreed.

I haven't spoke or even seen Andor since the night he got here. All Ianite's said to me was to not worry about him.

"Joorrrddddaaaannnn!" Tom yells playfully.


"I love you." He says and I feel myself blush.

"Love you more."

Andor's Pov

"Andor I'm going to....." I cut Ianite off,

"You can go. I don't wanna." She frowns.

"Why not? He's been worried sick about you. Its the least you can do."

"You don't realize how awkward its gonna be. You got it easy because all he had to do was come out to you! Me its different." I say holding back tears.

"How's it different?" Ianite asks sitting next to me.

"I don't know. Its just hard that's all. Its hard to be around Jordan and Tom. You don't know what its like, to have someone you care about more than life itself, get torn from you." I try to stay calm for Ianite's sake.

"Really. I don't know what it feels like! If you wanna sit here and not try to build a relationship with him so be it." She leaves at that, slamming the door behind her.

I'll half to see him eventually. But just not now. How awkward things are is horrible!

Ianite really doesn't understand! I mean technically Jordan isn't my granddad, but I mean......ulg makes me cringe thinking about it!

I take my sketch pad from its spot beside me and open to a clean page.

I draw the silhouette of a girl the my imagination takes over.

Jordan's Pov

"I just don't understand!" Ianite rages as she paces back and forth in my living room.

"I gotta go talk to him. I mean if he's not gonna come to me I may as well go to him." I say and Tom gives my hand a squeeze.

"I'll go with you!" He says but I know that's not a option. He won't talk with Tom there.

"No you can't come. I'll explain when I get back." I give Tom a passionate kiss, which he gratefully returns.

"I'll be back soon." I say and Ianite and I leave.

Ianite stays very silent. Almost to silent. If I knew what to say to her I would talk but sadly I have no clue how to talk to her.

I walk into the Fortress of Fury and its empty.

"The archway between the towers." Ianite whispers. I walk out there and sure enough Andor's sat coloring in a picture.

"Watcha doing?" I ask sitting next to him. Andor quickly snaps the book shut and turns away from me.

"What's wrong?" I ask placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Its nothing really." Andor hands me the book and I start flipping through the pages.
They seem to tell a story. Its when I turn to the latest entry I know who's story it is.

The picture shows a girl with violet hair, black at the ends, in the arms of a blonde pixie like boy.

They are moments away from kissing. "I'm sure its quite obvious what I was getting at." Andor says taking the book from me.

"I didn't know you could draw like that! They're amazing!" I cherp and Andor blushes.

"Thanks." He opens to the last one before letting out a sigh.

"Why would dad not tell me this? Not tell me my family history."

"I'm not sure." Is all I can say.

"When Ianite explained everything to me. She added more on what she remembered of herself. Her good sides and her bad sides." Andor pauses and flips back a few pages.

"The taint was her uncontrollable subconscious. When we pushed it back the first time it triggered a series of events that didn't make much since. So that's when I decided to map them out." I nod allowing Andor to continue.

"The last one, the black in Ianite's hair, represents a dark past, the pixie like features on the original Spark represent a more perfected version of what Ianite explained to me."

"Watch what you say." I mumble and Andor nods.

"I've had this dream of these two exact people having this moment ever since I got arrested. But when I drew them I saw something I've never seen before." Andor's voice cracks.

"I saw hope. I saw the compassion these two characters had for eachother. The hope I see in my version of Spark is the same hope I see in you. That hope you had from the beginning. Its what kept me going when I was beaten by Mianite freaks."

"So you're saying I give you hope. Like Spark gave Ianite hope. Then when he disappeared the taint appeared, meaning her hope was lost. So in relation to me, you lost you're hope the day you got back?" I ask trying not to sound to confused.

Andor doesn't answer which scares me a bit. "Yes." He says his voice getting high, meaning he's about to cry.

Tom's Pov

You know that feeling in your gut that tells you something isn't right? Well I'm getting that feeling now.

I have a strong feeling it has to do with Jordan.

Now don't get me wrong, I trust Jordan. Its Andor I don't trust. He's much like Ianite in a since.

They can tall you into believing anything. Manipulation is their top skill.

I get up to go check up on Jordan only to have him walk in.

"Hi there." He says wrapping his arms around me. "Hi." I reply harshly.

"How was your chat?" I ask sitting next to Jordan on the couch.

"Uhhh fine I guess."

"Got anything you're not telling me?" Jordan's eyes are everywhere but my own.

"No." Jordan answers but I can tell he's lying. The only true way to find out if anything actually happened would be to kiss him. I know Jordan's taste by heart.

"Okay." I say and move closer to him. Jordan pulls me into his lap, wraps his arms around me, and pecks my cheek in one swift movement.

I press my lips to Jordan and my heart shatters. Jordan's usual sweet taste, is gone.

"Jordan, I knew you weren't telling me something." I whisper, Jordan's fave fills with horror. He knows I know.

A/N the AMAZING art is NOT MINE. I found it on Pinterest I do believe the artist who actually illustrated it is on the bottom of the picture. I can't quite read it, but credit to them!

Just Friends? (A SyndiSparklez fanfic) (book 1)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now