Chapter Three

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Jordan's Pov

I wake up, change into black skinny jeans with a white shirt and a black jacket over it. I'm gonna do it! Today's the day I'm gonna confess to Tom. I grab a quick snack then head out. I walk to Tom's and when I enter the nerves hit me. "Tom?" I call and he's up in like three seconds. "Hey you okay? I came over last night but you weren't home." He says. "Yeah umm I wanted to talk to you about something." I say sitting down in a chair. Tom sits in the chair in front of me. "I'm gay, and I think....." my voice stops. I can't move or talk. I feel like a deer in the headlights. I run out of Tom's house as fast as I can and I don't stop. Not even Tom yelling my name makes me stop. I feel tears burning in my eyes and once I feel I'm far enough away from society I cry. He probably hates me now! I just want to die!

Tom's Pov

I have to find him! Especially since Tucker and Sonja confronted me about him cutting. "Sparklez!" I yell running in the direction he took off in. After about five minutes of crying I find him. He's sitting on the coast line staring out at the sea. I run over and wrap him in my arms. "Damn it Sparklez!" I yell and I feel tears running down my face. "Don't ever do that again!" I yell again. "I'm so sorry!" Sparklez sobs and I pull away. No words can amount to the love I have for this man. I take his head in my hands and kiss him.

Jordan's Pov

Tom kisses me. After a moment of shock I kiss back just as hard. Tom pulls away, his cheeks a Rosie pink. I smile and kiss him again. He kisses back, more gently this time. I lick Tom's bottom lip asking for permission, which he grants me. My tounge explores Tom's mouth his mine. "Jordan." He whispers between kisses. I pull back and he buries his head in the crook of my neck. "I love you, so much." He whispers to me and I rest my chin on his head. "I love you more." I reply. I mean it, no one could love anyone more than I love Tom. This moment is almost to good to be true. Tom pulls away and kisses me again. Our kisses go from short and sweet to long and heated. Tom slides his hands under up shirt and lets them trail up and down my back. He rolls us to where he's on top of me. He sticks his tounge in my mouth and I do the same with my own. Our lips moved in sync but then something happen. A voice in my head calling out to me. I pull away and Tom gets a concerned look. 'Ianite' it whispers over and over again. Then it hits me. 'I don't want to be bad but I don't want to be good' my voice rings in my head. "Ianite." I say out loud. "I'm Ianite." I say again feeling the corners of my mouth form into a smile. "Sparklez there is no Ianite." Tom says and I shake my head. "There may not be one yet. But there WILL be a Ianite." I say, Tom stands up and pulls me up with him. "Can we not tell the guys" he says and I nod giving him one last quick kiss. We run back into town to find everyone's kind of just having a lazy day. "Hey love birds." Tom chirps at Tucker and Sonja. We all sit on the grass outside of Dec's house. Nade walks by and gives me a bad look. "You must be Nade I'm......" he stops me, "I know who you are." He snaps and I look to Tom for guidance. "Nade what's going on with you!" Sonja says giving me a apologetic look. "Nothing okay!" Nade snaps back at her. "He lost a bet to us!" A man in a yellow mask says. "Sparklez this is the Modesteps the penguin is Tony the one in the mask is Josh. Josh Tony this is Sparklez." Tom introduces us. "Call me Jordan." I say giving them each a breif handshake. "Okay then Jordan. Can i talk to you for a second." Nade snaps standing up. I look at Tom and before I can answer Nade does. "Alone."

Tom's Pov

Jordan's face is full of fear when he glances back at me, before disappearing with Nade. "Tom where the hell have you been all day?" Sonja asks and I shrug it off "Strip Mining with Sparklez. The peasants need attention too!" I joke.

Jordan's Pov

Nade slams me against outside wall of Dec's house pretty hard. "You think you can just show up and change him!" Nade yells holding me just above the groud by my shirt. I'm use to this, ignore it and it goes away. "I think not." Nade says kneeing me in the stomach and dropping me. I fall and bring my knees to my chest. "Think again before you try and fuck with my beat friends sanity again gay boy." Nade says leaving me alone. My wrists itch but I can't just leave, can I?

Tom's Pov

Nade comes back in without Sparklez! He's smiling as he sits next to me. "Nade where's Sparklez?" I ask trying to stay calm. "He told me to tell you he went home and not to worry." Nade says, clearly lying "Bullshit." I walk out the same door Nade exited and find Sparklez balled up sobbing. "Sparklez!" I yell not to loud. I run over to him and when I touch him he flenches. "Did he do this to you?" I whisper and Sparklez shakes his head. "No." He croaks but the hurt in his eyes says something different. "Go back in there." He whispers reaching up and gently stroking my cheek. "No! I'm not leaving...." he shhs me, "please." He whispers and I help him sit up. His sleeve however, comes up with him. And it reveals a scary amount of scars. He quickly pulls his sleeve back down and I kiss him gently. Careful not to hurt him. "Tom. Please just leave me alone." Sparklez says noticing me procrastinating. "No. I care to much about you to leave you alone." I reply "I'm used to it okay! Now leave me alone!" He yells this time and I feel like my heart is a glass. Shattered by a angry fist. I obey him, leaving and rejoining Tucker, Sonja, and Nade. "Someone hurt him." I coke out, trying to hold back my tears. "What!" Sonja says running over and wraping her arm around me. "He was balled up laying on his side. W....when I tried to help....h...he said he was used to it." I sob and Sonja sighs. "No one should ever have to be use to abuse! When I find out who did this....." I let my voice trail off. "Should we help him?" Sonja asks me. "No. Let me. I'll see you all tomorrow." I leave at that. I walk out and Sparklez is just blankly staring off into space. "Hey." I say trying to hide the fact I've been crying. "Let's get you home." I say picking Sparklez up bridal style.

Time Skip

Jordan's Pov

Tom lays me down in bed and covers me up. "I'm gonna be on the couch if you need anything." Tom says walking out. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


A violet haired girl is standing in front of me. She appears to be crying! But as her tears hit the ground a rose begins to grow. But then a man dark and scary grabs her from behind. The girl kicks and cries "Stop it Ianite!" The man yells and my eyes widen. I try to yell to her, to move, to do anything but it's as if I've frozen. Ianite starts to bleed and sob! I begin crying with her. "Dianite please!" Ianite yells her voice weak and wavey. "Jordan! Restore the balance! Keep peace for as....."

~~~~~~~~~~End of dream~~~~~~~

I jolt awake and I'm trembling. "Tom!" I yell unable to calm myself. "Tom!" I cry again but this time he rushes in. His hair is tussled and he looks tired. "You okay?" He asks breathless. "I had a nightmare." I whisper and Tom slides in bed next to me. "Its okay I'm here." His British accent rings. I snuggle into Tom's chest and allow myself to fall back asleep.

Just Friends? (A SyndiSparklez fanfic) (book 1)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now