Kotlc texting 20- who's your girlfriend?

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Tam: Hello
Tam: Linh I need your help
Tam: I know you're out shopping with Sophie and Biana, but you have to help me
Tam: I-I have a girlfriend
Tam: I won't tell you who yet
Tam: That's the mystery
Tam: But I don't know how to tell the others
Keefe: So who is it, bangs boi?
Tam: K-keefe?
Tam: OMG
Keefe: Well, who is it?
Tam: It's none of your business
Fitz: TAM HAS A GF?!
Dex: Woah
Dex: Thats new!
Tam: Stop
Tam: You weren't supposed to know
Keefe: We do nowwwww
Tam: ughughughugh
Tam: Stop
Keefe: OK Tam, I don't know who the girl is, but here's some advice: Stop with your moody shade nonsense (A/N no hate tam fans, I like Tam too <3)
Tam: The reason she likes me is because I am moody shade
Keefe: This girl has no taste
Tam: She's got the best taste
Dex: We have clues!
Dex: She likes emo guys, and probably has dark hair, considering the fact you don't really like blondes
Fitz: That sounds a lot like-
Dex: Like who?
Dex: OMG
Tam: It's not Biana
Dex: Thank god
Dex: You scared me-
Fitz: You scared me too
Keefe: You made me go 'oooooooooooooooooooooooh'
Tam: OK
Tam: Stop troubling me now
Dex: Give us some more clues first
Tam: Fine
Tam: She has very light blue eyes, paler than mine
Dex: wait are you dating Linh?
Tam: No ew-
Tam: She wears green dresses most of the time
Tam: She is a conjurer
Fitz: Does such an elf even exist?
Keefe: Are you sure you're not making up an imaginary girlfriend Bangs Boi?
Tam: Yes
Tam: I need to go
Tam: She's hailing me
Tam: Bye
Dex: I need to find a way into your imparter!
Tam: It won't work
Tam: Bye

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