Kotlc texting 26- Compliment

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Biana: Guys I have a game-ish thing
Stina: Yeah? Is it 'Dunk The Biana"?
Biana: It's called Compliment
Biana: everyone has to compliment each other!
Sophie: An ice breaker! Just what we needed since we have her  here now
Stina: fine then
Biana: I'll start!
Biana: I choose to compliment Sophie
Biana: You have great hair!
Sophie: Awww thank you!
Sophie: I choose to compliment..... Tam
Sophie: You have really cool eyes!
Keefe: Seriously Foster?
Keefe: Why Tam :(
Sophie: Well, it's an ice breaker
Keefe: Well, next time how about we play bangs- cutter -_-
Tam: No
Tam: I choose to compliment Marella
Tam: I like your personality
Marella: Who doesn't?
Stina: *snickers*uh me
Marella: I said 'who' doesn't not 'what' doesn't 
Stina: I realized
Marella: Sure you did
Stina: I did
Marella: Sure
Marella: I choose to compliment... Linh
Marella: Linh, you're so calm all the time, and I love that
Linh: <3
Linh: I want to compliment Fitz
Linh: You have a pretty smile
Fitz: Thank you!
Stina: Stop flirting with him
Linh: Sorry, I wasn't trying to
Tam: Back off Stina
Stina: Emo guy protecting his sister? Wow!
Marella: Stina, quit it
Stina: I will If you quit trying to act like you can overpower me
Marella: Ugh just shut up
Fitz: I choose to compliment Stina, my girlfriend
Fitz: I think you have the most unique beauty ever
Fitz: Other's don't see it though, those who don't are simply blind
Marella: Or maybe Stina isn't beautiful in the first place
Fitz: Maybe
Stina: Fitz-
Stina: I choose the compliment.... Marella
Marella: What now?
Stina: I think you're really talented
Stina: You're super pretty and your friends are lucky to have you :)
Marella: What... really?

Marella: Wow Stina
Marella: You don't really have a heart do you?
Marella: All you have is a too big to handle ego and an even bigger and lopsided head
Marella: I hope one day we come to an agreement, but for now, I am DONE

Marella left the chat

Sophie: That did NOT end well
Dex: I guess this ends here...

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