Chapter 3

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Niall's POV:

"Niall? Niall! Niall, wake up. It's fucking 12!!", I heard a voice shout at me. I groaned in response and turned over and tried to get sleep again.

"Go away, Harry.", I mumbled.

"Get up!! Jane is going to come and I need your help to cook something. Get up Horan!", he shouted.

"Okay, okay I'm getting up. Just stop shouting okay?", I said as I got out of bed. He just chuckled in response. I told him I'll freshen up and be back in fifteen minutes. He left the room as I got into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and turned on the shower. It always took a while for the water to warm up, so I went to my wardrobe and took out clothes to wear.

Since I was going to be at home and Jane was coming over, I decided to wear my red v-neck and grey joggers. I took out the clothes and an underwear and hung them on the hook in the bathroom.

I stepped into the shower and cleared my thoughts. Shit, I better find an excuse for not going out with Liam and everyone. I'll tell them I was helping Harry. Yeah. That would be fine.

After I finished, I dried myself with a towel, put on my clothes, ruffled my hair and walked out and headed towards the kitchen.

"Harry. So tell me what help do you want?", I ask him.

"Jane is going to be here for lunch. I need to cook her something for lunch. I can't just take her out every time you know?", he said.

"Okay mate, but what do you want to cook?", I ask.

"I was thinking I could make something Mexican for her. She likes Mexican food.", he told me.

"How do you know that?", I asked him.

"She went to Mexico with her parents once and she told me how she loved the food there.", Harry said.

"Okay, so did you decide what you're gonna make or..?", I asked.

"Nope, I didn't decide anything. I have got many culinary books and magazines though. We can look into them.", Harry said.

So the next fifteen minutes, I and Harry looked into the magazines and books. Finally, we decided to make tacos, some guacamole, tortillas, a tortilla soup and mix up margaritas.

"Its a lot, Harry. You should scratch out a couple dishes.", I said.

"Okay. So we make only tortillas and guacomole and we are obviously mixing up margaritas.", he said.

"Sounds good.", I replied as we got to work.


"This looks beautiful, Harry. Im going to eat it all right now.", I say after Harry arranged the dishes and placed the drinks on the dining table.

"If you eat it I swear I'll kill you. I never worked so hard in my entire life to cook.", Harry says.

"Okay, so now go get ready. Jane will be here any moment now, I guess.", I said.

"Yeah, I'm going. And Niall, I want to be with her and spend time with her alone, so, you know, if you could..", he trailed off.

"Its okay, I'll head out, I have a couple of things to do too. Just save some food for me, mate.", I said. He laughed and pulled me into a hug and thanked me again and again.

After saying goodbye to Harry, I left the flat with my phone, wallet and my car keys. I wore my jacket over the my T-shirt and took my coat just in case. You can never trust London weather.

I got in my car and turned on the radio. I drove through the traffic and decided to relax in a park. I parked my car and found a bench to sit in the park. I spaced out and started thinking about my life.

Everything was wrong with me and I started feeling bad. I felt that I was horrible. I had an internal breakdown without any reason. I felt like crying.

It had been two months since I left the habit, I had taken self control. But every time I to to my bathroom it lays there. I know it had to be stopped. So I had decided to take control over myself.

Whenever I am alone, I always feel like this. Because I learnt that people are never there for us truly. They all leave. Everybody just pretends to care about me, when actually they don't. It's so frustrating, the emotions I feel, they are hard to express in words.

I started remembering the bad memories. Even my friends weren't there for me sometimes, even my brother had turned up against me at a point in life.

I still remember clearly what had happened.

I had returned home after an evening of playtime with my friends. I was expecting my mom to be in the kitchen and my daddy watching TV. My elder brother had tuitions. "I'm back", I called out.

I heard no response from my mother.

"Mother?", I called out starting to panic. I burst into the kitchen only to find glass shattered everywhere. I felt scared as I ran to my parents' bedroom. I found the safe open and my dad standing there with a bottle in his hand, his eyes bloodshot.

My eyes widened and before I could ask anything he shouted,"She left!"

He sounded very angry and sad both at the same time. He continued shouting at me that my mother left with another man, until he was completely exhausted and he passed out on the bed. I had cleaned the house that day. The glass shards resembling how my heart was broken when I heard that my mom ran away.

The next day, my father had shouted at me and Greg for no reason. He used to use us a source of outlet of his emotions. He would never care what we did or what we ate.

This went on for weeks until Greg left the house and started living with his friend leaving me alone. I used to do what my father said. A slight mistake and he used to beat me. The days were horrible.

But I always remembered that there were people in worse situations then me. So, I never gave a shit about my life. After high school, I made a promise to myself that I would save as many people as I could from the emotional trauma they were experiencing.

I didn't want anyone else in to fall into the dark pit called depression. I wanted to guide them into the light.

My thoughts were interrupted by my ringtone. Yeah, it was the ringtone that Peter Parker had in The Amazing Spiderman 2. I liked it. Don't judge me.

I checked the caller ID and I saw it was Louis. I picked up the phone.

"Hello", I spoke into the receiver.

"Hey buddy, listen we are here at Nandos and everyone's here. Would you like to come join us? Treat is on Liam.", I could practically hear the grin in his voice.

"On Liam eh?", I said smiling.

"Yup, drop in. We are waiting.", he said.

"Who do you mean by 'we'?", I ask him.

"That means me, Liam, Lydia and Jess. You're in?", he asked.

Treat's on Liam, I'm hungry. I thought this over and said, "Yeah, sure I'll come, I'll be there in five."

"Ok, see ya", he said and hung up.

Seems like I'm going to have a royal feast this afternoon.


So another update! I hope you like it.

Also if anyone knows how to attach gifs as a media to a chapter then please tell me. I can't do it from my iPad or my phone either.

Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors or any other mistakes.

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Bye loves,
MD xx

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