Chapter 5

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Niall's POV:

Well, let's just say college today was a bitch. I had Physics, which was a trouble. I slept through the double Chemistry lectures, and practically did nothing during lunch. I had English after that, and guess what, I discovered Bella was in my batch. It's just that I don't notice people enough in a classroom. I'm not that social, you see.

Zayn showed up today to college and we did a prank on Alex Aruda, the oh-I-am-so-cool guy, just a puncture his ego a little bit, because to be honest, that guy is a prick and is no where near cool. We had these gums which were packaged and had to be pulled out of the wraps.

So this gum, when pulled, gives an electric shock to the person. A mild one obviously. His face was worth seeing when everybody laughed at him. That was priceless. He growled under his breath that he'll get us back one day.

At the end of the last lecture, the teacher made an announcement about a two-week trip. The trip was to Brighton, to look over an art exhibition, and something for a book, I didn't hear it properly. They were choosing students to actually sit at a conference for a book which was going to be published that day. Wow.

The trip was after two weeks, and it was for five days. It sounded nice, so I decided that I would go. The trip cost added to the college fees.

I hung out with Louis and Zayn at Zayn's house. My mind kept constantly bugging me about the fact that Harry had harmed himself and I didn't know why.

So, after reaching to my apartment, and watching TV with Harry for a while, I asked him.

"Harry, why did you do that to yourself?", I asked.

"What?", he said, confused, averting his eyes from the TV towards me.

"Yesterday, when I came back?", I said, with a tone which made it sound like a question, trying to remind him.

"Oh yeah that. Look Niall, what I did might seem stupid to you, but I just couldn't at that time. I felt really unimportant and that I was just a burden to everyone else. I've noticed Jane not speaking to me as enthusiastically as before, the twinkle in her eyes dying. My parents and I had a fight yesterday and it just- I was just in so much pain, I couldn't Niall. I felt no one was there by my side. After that
lunch, Jane left, earlier than she should and I was all alone and, it just- I just did that." He explained, his raspy voice breaking at the end.

My heart clenched to see Harry so weak and sad and vulnerable, he was sniffing and a single tear rolled down his cheeks. I wipe it off his face and looked him in the eye. The green orbs held a sad and heartbreaking emotion which wanted me to cry as well. He just gave me a sad smile.

"Harry, if you have any problem, you know, from a slight burn on your hand or a family issue or anything, you could share with me. I just want you to know I'm there for you alright? Don't cry, okay?" I said. (A/N: I almost wrote, don't cry, craft. Sorry for interrupting.)

He just nodded.

Sometime after, the mood lightened and we were laughing our heads off at the joke Harry had just said. We were eating McDonald's takeout and the TV was on to provide as a background music.

I logged onto Twitter and decided to tweet something.

@NiallHoran: Eating McDonald's takeout rn mofos!

A few minutes later, I saw that someone had replied to my tweet.

@BellaFlinn: Alone? You bitch.

I laughed her tweet and replied back,

@NiallHoran: Yes you little peasant

And after that, it just became a full blown twitter conversation.

@BellaFlinn: how dare you call me a peasant? I'm the queen.

@NiallHoran: in your dreams, I'm the king baby, and I don't remember marrying you

@BellaFlinn: well you won't because you maybe fifty rn and forget what you ate half an hour ago.

@NiallHoran: Well I'm eating rn and I do remember what I ate 30 minutes ago.

@BellaFlinn: what were you eating?

@NiallHoran: your mum

@BellaFlinn: excuse me?

@NiallHoran: excuse you?

@BellaFlinn: ugh I hate you.

@NiallHoran: I love you too xx

And then it stopped, with a Bella going offline. I headed to my room after I finished my dinner. I changed into my pyjamas and snuggled into my blankets. I decided to call it a day and was going to sleep and had turned the lights off when I noticed that I had a text.

From: Bella :)
Are you going to the trip to Brighton??

To: Bella :)
Yep, I guess. Why?

From: Bella :)
I am going too. I was just asking you know.

To: Bella :)
So what's up?

From: Bella :)
Nothing. Lydia and Sarah and oh Louis aren't going to the trip.

To: Bella :)
What? Louis isn't coming?

From: Bella :)
Yep. And if Lydia is not going then Liam won't either.

To: Bella :)
Dammit. Zayn isn't going either. I asked him. Guess I'll just stay back.

From: Bella :)
Whoa man. You're coming idc how. No one I know is coming and you are very good company.

To: Bella :)
Too bad princess. I won't come :P

From: Bella :)
I'm not kidding. You're coming and idk how but you're coming.

T0: Bella :)
Okay, princess.

From: Bella :)
Stop calling me that.

To: Bella :)
What should I stop calling you, princess?

From: Bella :)
Stop calling me princess. It's not funny.

To: Bella :)
Okay, your majesty.

From: Bella :)
Looks like I will never cease to hate you. You are ridiculous, Horan.

To: Bella :)
I'll never stop loving you babe xx <3

To: Bella :)

From: Bella :)
Night. I hate you. Bye.

To : Bella :)
Love you too, good night.

With that, I locked my phone and entered the land of slumber.

Sorry for the late update! I know I don't have any updating schedules but I know it's been like 82662826282999282726 weeks since I updated so sorry. I wrote this at like 2:00 am. And also, I'm going to write it mainly from Niall's POV but I'll switch POV's occasionally.

Make sure to VOTE, COMMENT AND FAN FAN FAN!!! Please comment a "." So that I know you exist and are reading my book. Comment whatever you want like it could be potato, hat or Louis is a sexy beast or anything please just please.

Keep smiling, stay beautiful. I love you guys. :D
-MD xx

Just a cover [n.h.](a.u.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora