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So here is the one-shot" I promised to Kath :-) thank you for reading ily you guys <3

Kath's POV:

I know he doesn't like me.

He never will.

I'm just a teenage dirtbag to him.

He likes Emily more than me anyway. I saw them hugging, yesterday, when WE were supposed to meet at the same place.

I didn't expect to see him as I walked to my last class, that so happened to be chemistry.

"Kath, wait up!" Ashton called out to me from where he was standing. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. He looked so perfect, with his fringed hair and glasses. I love him so much, it destroys me physically.

"Hey." He said, when he finally came down all the hallway and joined me.

"Hi." I said. Then we both walked into class. I took my usual seat, and I thought Ashton was going to sit beside Luke, but to my surprise, he came and sat down next to me. I straightened my glasses and ran my hand through my hair.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied.

"Would you um like to uh go to see a film with me?" He asked, nervously. Now, if I said I was caught off guard would be an understatement because I felt I would jump and fly out of the school.

"Sure." I said. It was all I could mutter because I was surprised. Just imagine, your one year long crush asks you out, what would you do?

The teacher entered the class, and I felt like I was going to have an asthma attack. I don't have asthma but you know, when you get out of breath when you're surprised? Yeah.

"No." I said, to the fifth dress Bella showed me.

"It'll look good!" She said.

"I know, but I want my outfit to look effortless." I said.

"Okay, so jeans and a nice top?" She asked.

"I like the sound of it." I replied. She stood in front of my wardrobe, with her hands on her hips. She pulled out my pair of black skinny jeans and a zebra print tank top.

"Hmm?" She said, raising her eyebrow. It wasn't that bad, so I said, "Okay." She left the room so I could change. I closed the curtains, and stripped out of my pajamas and put on the clothes she had chosen. I called out to her to come in.

"That looks good." She said, inspecting me.

"What about my hair?" I said pointing to it.

"Just straighten it. It looks nice on you." She said.

"Okay. Thanks." I said to her, smiling, thanking her for her help.

"I've got some work to do, should I leave?" She asked me. I nodded. After hearing the front door shut, I straightened my hair, applied some mascara and eyeliner and some lip balm. I put on my glasses and picked out a pair of black sneakers. I grabbed a black cardigan too, as it was chilly outside. I looked at myself in the mirror and I thought for a second, 'Am I wearing too much black?' but I wasn't going to change and I love black.

I tied my shoelaces, and as I finished the doorbell rang. I was hyperventilating. The moment I've been waiting for. I'm going out with Ashton.it really was hard to believe as I opened the door. And there stood Ashton, looking incredibly cute, with his glasses and fringe. He was wearing black jeans and a Pierce The Veil tank top, with his hoodie unzipped. My mind was going all fuzzy inside, and my heart beat accelerated by just seeing him.

Just a cover [n.h.](a.u.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora