Chapter 4

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After finishing my little feast at Nandos (I was satisfied when I saw Liam glaring at me from the side, serves him right), we all headed to our respective houses.

Well, I am just going to name my car 'the existential crisis car' because every time I drive in it, I have a mental breakdown. I don't even know why. I just become sad and out of energy.

I hate my life so much.

I opened my apartment door, welcomed by silence. Harry might have headed out, I guess. I walked into his room to double check. What I found out was horrifying.

There he was, standing in front of his mirror, blood dripping from his arms, tears rolling down his cheeks, his body racking with sobs. He had a blade in his hand, gripped tightly. My eyes widened at the sight, and I was unable to speak.

"H-Harry", I managed to utter, in astonishment. He was a cheerful person, I never thought I would see him in a condition like this.

Maybe there's a side to every person that they hide, even from the people they love.

He spun around and looked at me, his own eyes widening, seeing me standing at the door to his room. I walked up to him, taking his arms in my hands. I saw the cuts. They weren't deep, but they were bleeding badly.

I run my hands over the cuts and noticed that he flinched. None of us uttered a single word as I led him to his bathroom. I instructed him to sit down on a stool, as I wet a towel and cleaned his wounds. He flinched and hissed a bit.

"Feeling better?", I asked. He nodded. The cuts stopped bleeding. I let out a sigh.

"Niall, I-I..", he started to speak. He stuttered and just broke out crying. I pulled him into a hug and whispered him comforting words into him as he just cried in my arms, probably staining my shirt. I shushed him and told him it's going to be okay even though I don't know what's wrong.

Look at me, trying to console somebody when I'm empty inside.

I pushed my thoughts away and concentrated on the crying Harry in my arms. I won't ask him what's wrong now. I know how he is feeling and I know exactly what he wants to hear. Because I had been the same, but there was no one with me.

No one.

His sobs gradually decreased to just sniffing. I just wanted him to be okay and I wanted to tell him that I was there for him whenever he needed me. But I need to know what's wrong with my Harry.

"Harry, do you need anything? Should I get you some water? Or tea or anything?", I asked him, carefully, in a soft tone.

"I'll come with you to the kitchen.", he mumbled.

I held his hand gently and led him downstairs and looked behind me to make sure that he doesn't trip or fall. You never know. I told him to sit on the couch in the living room and told him to surf through Netflix for a nice film to watch.

I stepped into the kitchen and put some water in a kettle to boil. I took out two tea bags from the shelf and put them inside two mugs that I removed. I opened a packet of crisps and put them in a bowl. I poured the boiling water into the mugs and put them all in one tray and carried it to the living room.

I gave Harry his tea and I set the bowl of crisps on the table and I saw what movie he had picked.

"The Notebook?", I asked.

"Yeah.", he said in a hoarse whisper.

"Nope, that movie is a bit sad and considering your mood, it's a huge bag of nope. I'll tell you what movie we'll watch.", I said, and began flicking through the movie collection I had.

"The Identity Thief?", he asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Yup.", I said and he chuckled.

Halfway through the movie, his mood lightened and he laughed at the jokes and he was back to his own self. At least that's what I believe for now.

"Thank you.", he said, all of a sudden.

"What for?", I asked.

"For not freaking out or going all daddy on me when you found me upstairs. Thank you.", he said. I just smiled back to him and he grinned.

"I like seeing you happy, so don't let your lips form a frown, okay?", I said.

"Okay.", he said.

After finishing the movie, and the crisps and the tea, Harry went to take a nap as he felt worn out from the day's events. He told me that he'll tell me the reason why he did that.

I was walking to my bedroom when I realised, I have college tomorrow.


I plopped myself on the bed, took out my laptop pulled on my covers and browsed through tumblr. I logged on to twitter to see I had one notification. I opened it and it read:

@BellaFlinn started following you.

I followed her back and scrolled through her twitter feed. I stalked some people online. Then I resumed to tumblr and just scrolled, scrolled and scrolled.

It was like 6 PM, and I was hungry af. I walked to the kitchen and being the lazy arse I am, I didn't want to cook. I decided to just eat the mini tub of vanilla ice cream. Time passed by as I kept browsing the internet. I didn't even realise it was getting dark unto I heard Harry's voice downstairs.

We had ordered pizza and watched movies and fell asleep on the couch at 4 am.


I woke up to my phone buzzing. I hit it with my arm and it went silent. I was drifting off to sleep when I the phone started to buzz again. My alarm. Errrr I'm so angry. I picked up my phone to see what time is it. It was 7 am. It's so early.


I have college.

Oh my god.

UPDATE!! Look who finally decided to update. Sorry, I didn't because I was just too busy with all my friends..

But wait, I don't even have any friends.

Do you know how awkward it is knowing that a person you know irl is reading your book and talks to you about it?

Anyways, it's my birthday tomorrow! Yay. Note my sarcasm please. I am not even excited about my birthday because who cares about my existence? *chuckles weakly*


And if you need anyone to talk to you or any problem, you're free to text me! I would like to help you out:) DM me.

I need y'all to comment your OTPs. Let's make it a contest! The OTPs which are mentioned the maximum times is the winner.

Sorry for an typos or mistakes, I'll correct them later. This unedited and not read over. Deal with it.

Don't forget to FAN. I love you all very much and your support is appreciated. Don't be ghost readers, it takes only two seconds to click that vote button! And comment anything like even a "." would do. Like srsly pls. Your comments will make my day and it will motivate me. It makes me feel that you guys really want to read my book.

Bye loves,

Just a cover [n.h.](a.u.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora