Forgive me...

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Angst chapter
Trigger warnings: Death, trauma

Basic plot
You were thrown out of your timeline and now you landed in one where Loki was sent to earth as a punishment for his crimes in New York.

Your hands were shaking. Your eyes wide opened in shock as you saw who was standing right in front of you. The long black hair, the pale skin, the beautiful forest green eyes.
That was your Loki.

No he's not your Loki... a voice mumbled inside your head.
And you know that.

You were practically deaf to whatever Tony was saying to you, trying to give you a warm welcome into Avengers tower. You were frozen right in place as you saw the prince of Asgard casually walking around here in midgardian clothes and chatting with Natasha and Steve as if nothing ever happened.

A sharp pain went through your chest as those green eyes met yours and after a moment of surprise, a smile appeared on Lokis face. You knew you shouldn't but you couldn't do other than smile back. Loki immediately ended his conversation with Steve and Nat and came over to you.

„(y/n)?" It's been so long since you could hear him calling you by your name. You could do nothing more than stare at him. „What are you doing here?" he asked, still with the biggest smile on his face. „I thought you were on Asgard and that I wasn't allowed to see anybody. It's so good to see you again!"

He pulled you into a deep hug, one that made you tell he really missed you. „How are you? And how can you be here? Why has father allowed you to visit me? I have so many questions

You almost shed a tear as you saw the happiness on his face as he had pulled away. It made your heart melt. But you had to come back to reality. „Uhm, it's nice to see you too Loki but I have to warn you right away. I am not your
(y/n), ok? I'm from another timeline but I somehow left it and now I stranded here. I'm sorry but I don't understand any of this. Why aren't you at home? In my timeline I left Asgard after I was required for something in Alfheim.
That was a few days bevor Thors coronation. What did I miss?"

Lokis smile faded and immediately you wished you wouldn't have told him that. You didn't want him to loose his happiness over seeing you again. „Oh..." he said and looked down. „Well that is a long story but the short version would be I found out that I am not asgardian, I'm a jotun and after father still favoured Thor I decided to go down on earth and tried to take it over."

It's not like you didn't knew that... the voice in your head started to talk to you again. „But as you can see I.... failed and my punishment is to from, now on, live on midgard to think about the consequences of my actions."

You nodded as he ended his story. So that's what was different here. He was never victorious. He wasn't the superior in the battle of New York. And you were never here...

You didn't exactly know what to say. Standing in front of him was already so hard for you it was a miracle you hadn't broke down yet. „It's ok Loki." you forced yourself to say. „That doesn't change the way I see you." He gave a soft smile. „Thank you." he said.

„Anyways it was a very long day and I'd really like to get some sleep." „Alright. Do you want me to guide you to a free room?" „No no, don't worry I'll find one my own." The last thing you wanted to happen was being alone with him. You almost couldn't stand being with him in a room full of people you didn't want to know how it would be with just the two of you. So you left.

Bruce and Tony had shown you your new room. It was the one right next to Lokis but at this moment you couldn't bother yourself with that. As soon as the door shut you were on the ground, tears flowing down your face and small sobs escaping your throat. It was all too much. Seeing him again made you remember all these things you knew you could never forget, but tried to suppress as strong as you could. You didn't sleep at all that night...

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