Happy to see me?

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Smut Warning

To say that you were nervous would have been an understatement. You were (again) on the way to Lokis room.


Well, after all you were kinda his only friend and he likes to spend time with you. And the last two months you almost spend everyday together.

Not that you don't like that. You like to be around him. Just a little to much you guess...

Due to your long talks with Loki you discovered you felt a little more than friendship for him. And that turned out to become a bigger problem than you expected. You felt like you couldn't act normal around him anymore and it annoyed you.

Your blood felt like it was on fire as you knocked on his door and he allowed you to enter.

Loki stood in front of the mirror. He wore black jeans, a black shirt and a green zip up hoodie.

'Damn why does he have to be so good looking in liturally everything?!' you thought as you awkwardly stood in the room.

The next second Loki turned to you with a smile. For a moment he looked puzzled then the typical mischief smirk spred across his face. „Happy to see me?" he asked.

You were a little confused by that question. „Yeah....I guess?" you answered not really getting why he said that.

He seemed a little embarrassed as he looked down on you and then quickly looked to the side.

You followed his eyes down...

and blushed a deep red.

There was an clear bulge in your pants.
'Oh shit, shit, shit!'

You wanted the ground to swallow you but of course that didn't happen. And that smirk that still was on Lokis face didn't make the situation any better.

„You know you could've just said you were.... busy. It's not like I wouldn't have understood."

Totally embarrassed you threw yourself on Lokis bed to hide your face in his pillow. ‚Understood? As if he could understand!' you thought as tears started to fill your eyes. You had your back turned towards Loki so he couldn't see either your bulge or your tears. But suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder.

„(y/n), I'm sorry. That was inappropriate. I didn't want to hurt you with my words." Loki said with guilt in his voice. ‚God why was he so sweet?!'

You didn't respond. After a while of laying beside you Loki raised his voice again. „You know it'll start to hurt if you don't do anything against it."

He was right.
You already felt the pain and all you wanted to do was to touch yourself. But you couldn't. Not around him.

As you tried to figure out how you could best get out of this situation you suddenly felt a hand gliding over your crouch.
Immediately your head turned to Loki.

„Shhhhhh.... Relax..."

he said and started to massage your bulge. Your breath began to go faster and your body stiffened as you watched Loki undo your belt.
You couldn't believe what was happening right now and you started to lose control over your breathing.


Loki repeated as his hand glided in your boxers. When you felt his cold hand on your skin you couldn't hold back and a moan escaped your throat.

„That's it..."

Loki whispered, his hand softly stroking your cock now. Slowly he rubbed it up and down and after some time started to gain speed. It didn't take long for him to realize you were close to the edge. His eyes never left your face as you got lost in pleasure.

Teasingly he rubbed his thumb over your tip, smearing the beads of precum that came out of it. You were so close to release and your moans got uncontrollable.

„It's okay (y/n) cum, let go."

And with these words of him you released. Drowning in pleasure you came all over his hand and down your pants.

As your breath slowly went back to normal you could hear Loki chuckle.

„That was good (y/n). See? Wasn't that big of a deal right?" he grinned at you. With a snap of his fingers you both were cleaned up again.

As that grin still stayed on Lokis face you couldn't stand it anymore. In a rush movement you reached behind his neck and kissed him. It was only for few seconds before you pulled away, throwing your head back and closing your eyes in shame.

Loki on the other hand seemed frozen in shock and couldn't say a thing.

„I'm sorry..." you stuttered. „I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I didn't... hmpf!"
You weren't able to finish your line as Lokis lips were crashing against yours. He kissed you deeply and a sigh escaped his throat. When he pulled away you didn't know what to say. His green eyes stared into yours.

„Why didn't you say anything?" he asked.

„You..... you were always so flirtarious with girls I...... I never thought I had a chance. I thought you were straight..." you shyly answered. Loki shook his head with a smile.

„Why do you think I wanted to see you all the time over the last two months? I wanted to get to know you. Get closer to you. Because I like you. A lot." he smiled. „I have been raised to be polite as I am a prince but I never intended to do something with these woman on Starks party's. They could never be as interesting as you."

You felt a deep blush creep up on your cheeks as you listened to him.

„I should have said something sooner but I was afraid you would hate me. As I am a former villain there are not many people trusting me, you know? I was scared of losing you..." he confessed.

Your hand found it's way to his cheek and caressed it so that he'd look you in the eye again. „You're not gonna lose me Loki. I fell for you, and I couldn't even hate you when I wanted to." you said to him, making the God smile again.

„How does dinner sound? You know as in..... a date?" you asked.

„Sounds great!" he grinned and with these words sealed your lips again for a very long kiss.

~ I know, I suck when it comes to updating I'm sorry. There's a lot of shit going on in my life at the moment but I'll try to do better and write a little more. Hope the chapter was ok, I just randomly had the idea of it one night at 2 am when I couldn't sleep.
See ya soon people

Loki x Male reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now