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A constant sigh escaped your throat as you felt the wind rush through you hair. Standing on a clifftop ,with a cup of hot chocolate in your hand, you could see the sun go down right over the ocean. The horizon was painted in a lovely mixture of orange, pink and light blue.

A smile curved your lips as you rewind the day in your head.

It was the first day of your vacation with Loki. Building up the tent was a horror. Just as you were about to understand how to get it up, it started to rain and it was a miracle you still managed to get it to stand. Both of you were soaked but you were laughing none the less.

Later that day when the sun was shining again you went to the beach. You will never forget the face Loki made when a giant wave splashed him with ice cold water right in the face. You immediately regretted laughing at him because the next second Loki pushed you into the water.

After some time you got used to the cold water. It was probably one of the best memories you had with him. You hugged, kissed and played in the ocean until it got cold. Then you returned to the camping space and cooked soup for dinner.

You felt strong arms sneaking around your waist. „It's getting late love." Loki muttered. „We should go to sleep..." You chuckled. „Tired already? Okay let me finish my cacao then I'll join you in the tent." You could hear Loki hum in agreement. He let go of you and went off to the tent but not without giving you a kiss on the temple.

Around a year ago you never would have thought that Loki, the God of Mischief could make such loving and caring gestures like these. He was always the cold hearted arrogant god but after some time he warmed up to a few people. You specifically. It was this one day when everyone in the tower went out to a club where he first kissed you.

After you took the final sip of your hot chocolate you headed back for the tent. You zipped up the first lair of the green fabric, then the second. In an instant you could see Loki rush up towards you before his lips met yours. He kissed you hungrily and with his hands he tried to pull you into the tent with him.

„Come on (Y/n).....let's finish the day off..." he purred seductively as he pulled you closer. „Loki!" you almost shrieked. „At least let me take my shoes off first!" Loki smiled and let go off you, watching you turn around and kick your shoes off. In a swift movement you, as well, closed the tent.

Quickly Lokis hands were back on you, pulling you closer by the collar and waist. You returned the touch as he kissed you again while slowly laying back until you rested on top of him. He broke the kiss and rested his head on the ground. His eyes were admiring you.

„I will never understand how I deserved this..." he muttered. „Then stop thinking about it all the time." you chuckled. „But I think you deserved to be happy, regardless of what you did. There has always been a beautiful man underneath this shell of anger and hatetred. And he deserved happiness in life."

Loki got up on his elbows. His hands cupped your cheeks as he rested his forehead against yours. His eyes were closed and you could feel how thankful he was.

The moment lasted for a while until you pulled away. „How about we just cuddle. Let's keep the rest up for tomorrow..." you suggested. Loki nodded with a smile and both of you curled up in your sleeping bags. You robbed over to Loki and rested your head on his chest. A sigh escaped Lokis throat and he wrapped his arms around you as both of you slowly drifted off to sleep.

~ Alright, sorry no smut today but I'm so happy I finally finished this one. I started writing it when I was on vacation so around the same time as ‚Forgive me...' came out and boy that's a long time ago. 
But anyways I hope it's ok and you could enjoy this little vacation with Loki ;-).
So I hope to see you in the next chapter and I hope it won't take me so long to finish it😅

Bye bye

Loki x Male reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now