❄️Christmas of Cuddles🎁

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Yawning and sleepischly you opened the door. It was probably long after midnight but you didn't care. It was Christmas holidays after all.

As you returned from the kitchen you realized the door next to yours was suddenly opened. „Wasn't that just closed...?" you mumbled to yourself.
Entering your room you could see a hidden figure laying on your bed. Even though it was dark you could see it shivering.

As you turned on the light you could see that it was Loki, wrapped up in your blanket. He had been living in the Avengers Tower ever since his failed attempts to take over New York around 4 months ago. He never really talked to anyone and you had no idea why the hell he was now in your room. „Uhm...I'm sorry but I think you're in the wrong room." Loki didn't move.

„Hey," you said and touched his shoulder in an attempt to make him turn around. And so he did. You were shocked. His eyes were swollen red and his cheeks wet from tears. „Woah, what happened?" you asked worried.

„I'm very sorry (y/n) but.... I was afraid you wouldn't have let me in if I had knocked. May... may I stay here for tonight?" „Uh... why?" you asked and tried to sound sensitive. „I...honestly don't know. I just... I don't want to be alone anymore. You are besides Thor the only one who's nice to me and tries to not judge me by my actions."

He sure had a point. Ever since he was here Clint constantly throws him deadly glares. Tony makes all kinds of  jokes about him, Steve and Nat barely talk to him and Bruce avoids Loki at all costs. You were the only one who tried to be gentle with him.

„I... don't want to go to Thor so I... I thought I could come... to you?" his eyes finally met yours and you didn't know what to say. For as long as he was here he was always so cold and bitter. But now? He was so broken and sad.

„Uhm... ok, I guess...Just let me get you another pillow." You could see his face light up by that. „Thank you (y/n)." he smiled and you returned the smile. After you stuffed him a pillow you too crawled in the bed. You layed on your side and wrapped your arms around your pillow. Loki just layed on his back, hands folded on his stomach. Carefully you robbed a little closer to the edge of the bed and away from the God. This may seem very rude but he still was a murderer and destroyed New York ok?

After a few minutes your mind started to fade. You cursed yourself for that because you wanted to wait with sleeping until Loki fell asleep. But unfortunately and even with the fear of getting stabbed you drifted away and quickly fell asleep.

Pov. Loki
Silently I layed besides (y/n). I never thought he would let me stay. But of course he still doesn't trust me. He thought I wouldn't notice that he keeps distance to me. But have I expected anything else? No, probably not.

It's not like I could ever make up to anything that I have done. What I have been forced to do. But if course nobody believes that. In the end I'm nothing more than the God of lies. That's who I am and who I'll always be to them.

Right as I started to feel the tears rise in my eyes again, all of a sudden, I felt a weight fall onto my shoulder. Surprised I turned around to see what it was. (Y/n) must've turned around in his sleep and now his head rested on my shoulder.

He had his eyes closed shut and his breath was constant. I didn't really know what to do. So I tried to just relax and not wake him up. But after a minute (y/n) wrapped his arm around me and snuggled closer into my chest. I was a little overwhelmed. I'm not used to such intimacy, except my mother and Thor no one has ever treated me like this. Even though (y/n) did this subconscious. His body was beautifully warm in contrast to my own.

Unfortunately my coldness seemed to affect him because he started shivering. I carefully pulled the blanket up higher up to (y/n) shoulders. Even though it was too dark to actually see, I thought I saw a small smile crack his face.

Slowly I started to grow tired. I took a quick glance at (y/n) again and pondered, then I carefully wrapped my arm around him. My head rested upon his head and his (h/l) (h/c) hair tickled my nose. I closed my eyes and smiled before my memory slowly faded away and I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning
Pov (y/n)
Tired you blinked against the sunlight that shines through the window.  You shifted a little and wanted to get up but a cold strong arm stopped you. Frightened you turned your head to see Loki. His head rested in the crook of your neck so you could feel his breath on your skin and his left arm was clunged around you.

You started to panic. ‚Why am I so close to him? I thought I stayed far enough away from him yesterday! Did he hurt me somewhere?!' Quickly you looked down to search for any wounds but you weren't in pain. Also Loki had no knife in his hands wich must mean that he really didn't intend to harm you.

You gave a sigh of relief but still felt uncomfortable. But it wasn't because you were afraid of him. It was more because it felt comfortable in his arms. His long black hair that touched your neck was so soft. His cool skin was a nice contrast to your warm one and made you relax your muscles. You pondered for a moment if you should just get up, but as long as Loki was still asleep there was no reason to not enjoy the moment, right?

Hesitately you put your arm around him and rested your head upon his. It was really comfortable and for a short moment you closed your eyes until Loki started moving. Quickly you pulled your arm back. „Good morning." you muttered and felt a little blush creep up your face so you quickly looked away. Loki rolled on his back and started to blink tiredly.

„Good morning (y/n)." he returned and slowly sat up. You stayed laying on the bed. For a moment nobody said a word. Then Loki turned around to you. „Thank you very much that I could sleep here tonight." he said with a calming presence. „It....really helped me. I thank you."

You smiled. „You're welcome Loki. But, you know..." you started and got up too „if you start to be a little more kind towards the others maybe then they'll be mire kind to you as well. It's only 3 days until Christmas the festival of love. Why don't you....just try it?"

„Maybe..." Loki answered, „Well, I won't bother you with my presence now anymore." With these words he got up to leave the room. At the door he gave you one last look, then he left the room leaving you behind, confused and alone in your bed.

Subconsciously your left hand traced down the spot on your neck where not long ago you could feel a God's cold breath...

~ Part 2 coming the next days!!
Damn I thought I was never gonna finish this. I'm still sorry I didn't upload this earlier for Christmas but at least I still made it.
Part 2 will definitely be longer I think and have more Christmas spirit in it so I hope I won't disappoint.

See you in part 2!

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