Are we gay?

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„Urgh, I'm soo done!" You instantly flopped yourself on the bed as soon as the door to the motel room was open. Loki chuckled. „No need to be overdramatic (y/n) the day wasn't that long."

„But it was exhausting! Another dumbass mission that requires us to drive to a place in the middle of nowhere and needs us to stay there for what always feels like ages! I mean what does Fury even wants us to find here?"

Loki still had that smile on his face as he put his coat over the chair and opened the window to get some fresh air in the room. „Well he always has his reasons. Questioning them is a fight you'll most definitely loose. You have to accept that he won't tell us anything. Even I can live with that."

„Well but that sucks." You pouted and kicked off your shoes feeling too tired to get up again. „And it's a complete waste of my time." you added while Loki started undressing himself, getting ready for bed. „There are so many things I still wanna do." you continued while he pulled his shirt over his head. „Is that so?" Loki asks you.

„Yeah," you answered as he unbuttoned his pants. „Things like going sky diving, searching for dragons or finally finding my sexuality."

„Your sexuality?" „Yes," you said and finally got up again starting to undo your trousers. „I'm questioning about that for a long time now. But given that I never had a girlfriend or boyfriend I haven't really gotten that far with finding an answer. I mean I've never even made out with someone or something like that."

You've never really talked about personal stuff like this with Loki. Mostly because you weren't working with him for that long but also because out of all the men you knew, Loki was on of the few you actually found attractive. Of course you never told him that! His ego was already big enough, no need to push it any further.

„Well, why don't you just try and go on dates? That's what midgardians do to find partners don't they?"

„Yes but I honestly have never been into that you know. In that way, everything just feels forced to me. Having to show yourself from your best side like you are perfect and trying to bring yourself to develop feelings, just sounds weird to me."

„Hm that is understandable. So are there any other ways how you can figure it out?" Loki asked. You sighed and pulled your shirt over your head. „Not really. My friends always suggested me to make out on partys or go on sex dates but none of that is an option for me. I know this sounds weird but things like these are special to me and I only want to do them with someone who I really like. God, I bet that sounded so cheesy right now."

Loki just chuckled. „No, it sounds like you still believe in true love dear (y/n) and that is never something cheesy. It's beautiful actually. Many people, even on Asgard, have lost their believe in true love. It's nice to know that there are still some of us left." he smiled at you.

You smiled back at him and got on the bed, sleeping only in your boxers. Loki on the other hand simply changed into his pyjamas on by magic and after he closed the window he climbed onto the other side of the bed.

For a moment there was short period of silence between you but then Loki raised his voice again. „You know, as I am a shapeshifter I can also shift between genders. So if you like to you could make out with me in both my male and female form. Maybe that will help you with your problem and give you some clarity."

That was the most unexpected offer you ever got. At first you looked at him with a little concern. But then you thought about it for a little longer and it didn't sound so bad. He was pretty attractive after all. But it would be so awkward afterwards.

„Sounds a little weird but you might be right. But just so you know I have never done this before so please don't expect me to be good at it."

„Oh don't worry, it's been a while for me as well." he just said and leaned on his elbow now facing you. „You wanna start with me as female or male?" You pondered for a second.

„Hmm....female." you said. „If you don't mind." Loki nodded and after a short glimmer of green light Loki had changed himself into a woman. His facial expressions were softer in this form, that was the first thing you noticed. But you couldn't really admire more of this form because you were immediately cut of by soft lips pressing against your own. You needed a little to get used to it but you kissed back after some time. It felt good, but most of all new and you didn't know exactly what to feel.

After kissing for a while Loki pulled away and asked: „ So? How was that?" At first you were confused because his voice was higher in this form but then you managed to speak. „It Most of all. And good I guess. But I'm not sure." „Alright then." Loki said and after another glimmer of green light turned back into his male form.

„Now like this?" he asked. You gave a nod. Loki looked you in the eye for a moment, then he came closer and locked lips with you again. You couldn't describe what it was that made it so different but this time, the moment his lips touched yours you could feel your whole body heating up. In a matter of seconds you managed to kiss back and now it felt good. To your surprise Loki didn't pull away this time but continued kissing you. The kiss got faster and rougher and when you heard Loki letting out a groan he pushed you back into the sheets his hands on your neck kissing you even deeper than before.

After this move he pulled away and looked at you trying to catch his breath again. He seemed to be a little surprised by himself. „So?" he panted „What do you think?" You took a few breaths too before you could answer.

„I'm... so definitely gay!"

„Good." he said and with that, kissed you back into the sheets.

~ I don't know what to think about this one... It sounded way better in my head but okay. Anyways I just wanna disclaim that the gender doesn't always matter when you fall in love. I just wanted to include the Lady Loki scene so I had to make that feel different than with male Loki ok? So pls no hate, to all you pansexuals or everyone who falls in love with the person not the gender. I love you all.
But yeah I still hope it was kinda good.
See you in the next chapter!

Loki x Male reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now