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"errvyone" Soojin frowned as she heard laughing coming from the showers, the girls from the volleyball team had finished their practice and so it was time for the cheerleaders practice so Soojin, the new co-captain in that year, was a bit confused as to why the girls were laughing and wordlessly came up to them who didn't seem to mind once they spot her making her way towards her locker and kept on having their conversation, or jokes. Whatever that is. "She talks funny!" 

The others agreed between laughs while Soojin took off her shirt and glanced at them, wondering what they were talking about before shaking her head and taking her cheerleader uniform from the locker and placing it on the bench next to her before taking the rest of her uniform off and proceeding to change clothes.

"It's true, isn't it Soojin?" The question was suddenly made and Soojin looked at them confused as she finished adjusting her skirt.

"What is?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips; The girls laugh again. 

"About Shuhua"

The girl rolled her eyes, Yeh Shuhua was nothing but a problem in her life. The new captain of the basketball team that Soojin always end up finding herself fighting with was always finding a way to annoy her, either with snarky comments or doing things she knew would annoy Soojin; She doesn't know what it is but since Miyeon's party months ago their relationship has become worse and worse.

"What about the dumbass?"

There's more giggles. Everyone found it funny their dislike for each other, it was always entertaining to watch it and to make bets out of it as in: would they fight early in the morning or in the afternoon? How long the fight will be and how long it takes before Soojin tries to throw her shoes at a laughing Shuhua. 

"The way she talks" The girl replied with a chuckle. "Honestly, she has been here for so long and still talks like a weirdo-"

They're laughing but Soojin quickly cuts them off. "That's not funny"


"Stop making fun of how she talks. That's not funny" The cheerleader said, crossing her arms.

In any other situation, she would be more than willing to let anyone make fun of the annoying basketball player, But even with her hatred for the other, Soojin was still capable of knowing what was off limit to joke about and knew how something like that was a very sensitive issue for the taiwanesse, she could see that and Minnie had talked about that a while ago. 

"Come on, You don't even like her and you're trying to be some type of hero-"

"I'm not trying to be anything. I happen to have morals unlike you!" 

"I mean, it is pretty funny-" one of the other girls tried to say.

"You have a shitty sense of humor then!" 

"What 's going on?" Soyeon asked, walking into the locker room followed by the other cheerleaders. "Why are you guys arguing?" She asked, while Soojin shook her head and picked her uniform's shirt, finally dressing up.

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