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Debby hugged her right away, holding her tight and Shuhua hugged her back, she did miss her after all, her eyes landed on Yuqi who was awkwardly standing outside still for some reason; Probably noticing she was third wheeling. 

"When did you arrive?" Shuhua asked, still hugging her and the other chuckled.

"Yesterday, at night. Joohyun helped me by letting me stay at her place before I came here to surprise you." She told her and then moved away. "and the kids came with me too."

"No way!" 

She turned to the door and called for them, Yuqi stepped to the side as she laughed and watched them run towards Shuhua right away, giving her kisses while Debby smiled.

"Haku! Mata! Māmā missed you two so much!" She smiled as she let the two poodles lick her face as much as they wanted, they missed her just as much it seems; The two dogs were a gift from Yuqi, given to her 2 years ago and they haven't left her side ever since, and it for sure helped her to keep dark thoughts away. 

"They kept sitting by the door waiting for you to come," Debby told her, with a smile while Shuhua kept petting them. 

"They didn't even bother to sniff me," Yuqi complained, closing the door behind her. "Am I not your favorite aunt anymore?" She asked, crouching near the dogs and then looking up to Debby. "You stole my spot!" 

The woman simply laughed and shrugged; Shuhua picked the two 'puppies' up on her arms and looked at Debby, smiling brightly and the other smiled back at her before glancing at Yuqi who held her hands up.

"Right, Right. Giving the couple their alone time" The chinese woman said before making her way to the kitchen while Shuhua shook her head before staring at her fiance.

"Let's go upstairs and talk a bit" Shuhua said and Debby nodded before following Shuhua to her room. "I'm surprised you came, what about your classes?" She asked once they're in her room and Debby closed the door while Shuhua put the dogs down to let them get to know their temporary new home.

"That can wait." Debby told her. "I felt like you were down the last time I saw you and I was worried you didn't feel good." She said, wrapping her arms around Shuhua's waist, kissing her cheek and the younger kissed her cheek as well, smiling. 

"Thank you for taking care of me…"

"Well, I love you." Debby told her and Shuhua placed one hand on the back of her head, caressing her hair before pulling her into a hug. 

"Thank You."

Debby smiled. "You're welcome." 

"And how are things back at home?" Shuhua asked, bringing the woman to sit on the bed next to her. Debby shrugged. 

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