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"Soojin unnie!" 

Soojin turned around and saw Yuqi coming towards her with a big smile on her face, she was definitely in a good mood and this time her smile seemed genuine unlike the ones from before, she was standing in front of her studio where she and Yuqi were supposed to meet before going out. 

"Sorry, I'm late" 

"It's okay, I didn't wait that long" 

Yuqi nodded before offering her arm to the older who accepted before they walked together. 

"Miyeon told me about your gift to Minji," Soojin said, the younger smiled wider. 

"Kids love that kind of stuff," Yuqi said. "Miyeon might complain but I know she had water guns too and she was 17! I don't get the strict mom image now"

"It's different when people become parents I guess," Soojin replied and Yuqi nodded, she could understand some of it. "But the water gun idea was cool, I'm sure she's loving tormenting Miyeon and Minnie with them." They both laughed. 

"It was Shuhua's idea," Yuqi then said. "She had promised to give her a gift but-" She was too obsessed with work to remember that , Yuqi thought. "Work got in the way" Is what she said instead and yet from the way Soojin nodded, Yuqi could tell she understood what was the actual problem here even after years she still knew how the taiwanesse was. "But I managed to get her some free time to have fun." 

"You're a good friend Yuqi" 

"Well" The younger shrugged. "I'm her only family now, I have to take care of her." 

Another reminder. Sometimes she forgets Mr. and Mrs. Yeh are gone now, the quick glimpses of Mr. Yeh in his suit with a stern expression and Mrs. Yeh baking in the kitchen of their house still in her head, but for how long? She's gonna forget about those soon enough as time passes by, and so will Yuqi and so will Shuhua...

"How were they?" Yuqi looks confused by the question. "Mr. and Mrs. Yeh, how were they before…?" 

"Uncle was always working as always," Yuqi replied. "He even bought a new house for himself and Aunt but he didn't get to live that long in it" She added. "I know he was thinking of finally retiring after so many years of hard working and I encouraged him, maybe if I said something sooner then-"

"Hey" Soojin called softly. "You didn't know" She remembered once again. "If is too much to talk about then-"

"No, No. I can go on" Yuqi insisted. "Before she passed away Aunt was planning on moving back to Taiwan, it was a decision she had out of nowhere and I really didn't know why she wanted to all of a sudden, But I think Shuhua was against it." Yuqi said as they crossed the street. "They argued a lot about it even if they acted like they didn't around me" 

"I'm sure she had her reasons"

"Yeah… I just wish she was able to go back before she died, to be back home."

"Shuhua didn't plan to go back home?" Soojin then asked.

"Not really, she seemed to get used to our life back in China" Yuqi replied. "And with the marriage coming up-" 


Yuqi felt like slapping herself as soon as the words escaped her lips and she noticed the surprise on Soojin's face, then again she knew Soojin would find out sooner or later either from her or the internet, whichever comes first. 

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