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Winter was coming to an end and so there was only a thin layer of snow around the streets, that would soon go away in the following weeks; Soojin sat in complete silence on the seat next to Shuhua as the younger drove around the streets, the most words they exchanged was when the Taiwanesse asked her address before quickly putting it into the GPS as she started to drive.

The sun was starting to go down, the orange sky turning into dark blue, and as much as the view was amazing Soojin wished she didn't have to see it inside of Shuhua's car, in this awkward silence; She looks out the window and watches the people walking by the sidewalk.

"So much has changed" She heard the younger comment and turned to look at her. "I used to walk around here all the time but now it looks like a different place"

"Well, a long time has passed"

"I guess it had"

It was a bittersweet feeling, sometimes she wished she didn't left but it was for the best that she did, things were... better this way; Things were... are beyond repair now, there was no point in staying if it would only make things worse.

"Our school closed down, by the way," Soojin said, not sure why she felt the need to make small talk after the past minutes of silence.

Shuhua nodded. "Yuqi told me. It is a pity, I wish I could visit it again" She said. "They'll probably turn it into a mall or something"

"You're right." Soojin said. "My best memories were there"

"Like when you threw cake on me for saying your hair looks dead?" She asked and the older couldn't stop herself from laughing, thinking back at that moment; Shuhua's face was hilarious back then, frosting and pieces of strawberry all over her chin, neck and leaving a huge stain on her shirt. One of the ugly green ones she was wearing for gym that day.

"In my defense, you started it"

"You always resorted to violence and throwing things first," Shuhua said. "It's not a bad thing, I used to think it was hilarious."

"So you did it on purpose?"

The Taiwanesse shrugged. "Sometimes"

Soojin shakes her head and chuckles, it was good so far, the talk was going smoothly and naturally and she was glad she didn't have to worry about any tension, at least for now. They just needed to avoid the obvious fact that they dated before, that Shuhua lied and broke her heart; Soojin thinks she can not talk about that, act like it didn't happen even if everytime she looks at the other, she can still remember the feeling of having her trust being broken in the blink of an eye.

"Soyeon stayed behind with Yuqi," Soojin said.

"It's good for them to have a talk. Soyeon was always good for Yuqi" The younger replied. "She helped her a lot with moving forward from..." She didn't finish her sentence and just kept on looking forward.

"Yeah..." It's all Soojin said.

Of course she knew about Yuqi's feelings for Shuhua. Soyeon had told her after the two of that had left for Taiwan, she remembered not feeling that surprised by that as she always had the feeling Yuqi felt that way for Shuhua, always around her, her jealousy of Minnie, keeping boys and other girls away, It felt obvious but once she started to date Soyeon, all Soojin thought was that maybe she was wrong and just reading Yuqi's protectiveness to Shuhua wrong; She wished she was wrong, not for Yuqi or Shuhua.

But because she knew that what Yuqi did damaged Soyeon's confidence and self-esteem more than others realized, if the chinese woman wanted to apologize and make up for it, Soojin hoped she was at least aware of how much it hurt Soyeon back then, and it still does now.

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