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They'd finally made it to the prison cell. 

"I'm going to let you go two at a time. Tommy and Tubbo you two go first, I'm lowering the lava now." He pulled a lever and the lava began to lower slowly. She saw a figure with a white smiley face mask and a orange jumpsuit on. 


Ranboo's grip on her hand tighten. She pulled him aside. 

"Are you okay?" 

"I just don't have to best relationship with Dream." 

"It's okay, I'll be with you the whole time. And everyone else is super close so nothing bad will happen." He nodded. They heard Tommy and Dream shouting at each other and the bridge coming back. "Are you ready?" 

"Ready as I'll ever be." 

"Ranboo and Y/n you can go visit Dream now. Make sure to move with the bridge." They stepped onto the bridge and walked along with it. 

"Well hello there Ranboo. And Y/n of course." 

"You know who I am?" 

"I know everything about you. Like how you were born in the inbetween before it was the inbetween. How your theory about being all hoglin is true. I know everything." Her eyes widened. 

"Don't talk to her Dream." 

"Why not? The voices tell you to say that?" 

"The voices are gone, I got rid of them?" 

"Are you sure? I'm not even real." He disappeared into thin air. 

"Get on the bridge I'm bringing you back!" Sam yelled across the lava moat. They got onto the bridge. Y/n almost falling over, forgetting to walk with the bridge. 

"What did he say to you?!" Y/n let go of Ranboo's hand while he explained. 

"Okay...You guys are free to go. Let's head back." Ranboo strayed behind the ground with Y/n by his side. 

"What's the inbetween?"

"It's a completely marble kingdom, it's the place where time travelers go inbetween the past and future. Hence why it's called the inbetween, I've lived there for as long as I can remember."

"Time travelers?"

"Yeah, there was a lot of them at one point. Then they slowly stopped visiting until there was only one." 

"Oh..." (Fallen down started playing as soon as I wrote that) 

Ranboo slipped his hand into hers again. She blushed lightly and smiled. 

"So, What should we do now?" 

"I have no idea. Ooo we could go to a flower field!" Tubbo shouted enthusiastically. 

"That sounds fun, what do you think Y/n?" 

"Yeah sounds good." 

"I can teleport us!" Ranboo volunteered. 

"Okay!" He held out his arm for Tubbo and Tommy to grab. It felt like going through a nether portal, but three times the dizziness. Tommy ran into the trees and vomited. Y/n leaned on her knees. 

"Oh sorry, I should have warned you." She took a deep breath, still feeling very dizzy. 

"No it's okay Ranboo." She stood up. The flower field was very pretty. Feeling a lot better Y/n ran and jumped into the flowers. Ranboo laid down next to her. Tommy and Tubbo were throwing grass at each other. 

"What if you could shift into a hoglin because of powerful emotions. We could get Tommy to insult you." She laughed. 

"Thanks, I might just wait until the right situation arrives." 

"Makes sense." She looked up at the clouds. Oh how Y/n missed the blue sky. 

It's so pretty...

She looked over to Ranboo, he was also looking up at the sky. The golden light reflecting off his face, revealing purple freckles over his nose and cheeks. 

Awww that's so cute, Wait what?  

Her own thoughts made her blush even more. 

The branches snapped behind her. She got up and turned around quickly. 

"What's wrong?" 

"You didn't hear that?" Ranboo shook his head no. An arrow flew right past their heads. Luckily it missed Tommy and Tubbo too. She snuck towards the bush. 

"Back up!" Someone yelled from the other side. Her ears ringing from the loud noise she backed up. "I need someone named Ranboo, I'll take him by force if I have to." Tommy, Tubbo, and Y/n all moved in front of him. 

"Your gonna have to go through us." Tubbo said with a grin. Another arrow flew through the bush and hit Y/n right in the side. Yelling in pain something arose inside her. Something longed to be free. She let go of her restraint and let the thing take over. Y/n felt herself growing in size. 

"Holy shit." The person yelled from the bush. Realizing she was now in the form of a hoglin she roared. The person ran off, She chased after them. She pounced on the person and held them to the ground. Growling loudly she realized it was a teenager. She got off of him. Giving the kid a look that said, get out now, he ran off. The three ran over to her. 

"OH MY GOD!" Tommy yelled. 

"Y/N YOUR SO BADASS!" Tubbo yelled equally loud. 

"Woah..." She shifted back and fell over. The arrow wound had started to bleed quickly. Ranboo caught her before she hit the ground. "We need to get her somewhere safe. Tubbo can you heal her?" 

"Yeah, Let's take her to the mansion." Ranboo teleported again. Tommy didn't throw up this time. "Lean her against the wall, Tommy in that chest there's medical supplies grab the first aid kit and bandages. Y/n I'm gonna pull the arrow out okay?" 

|Ranboo's pov|

"Y/n I'm gonna pull the arrow out okay?" She nodded weakly. He yanked the arrow out of her side causing her to scream in pain. Hearing that was the worst thing ever. He quickly put some gauze over it to stop the bleeding and bandaged it. Ranboo looked up at her face to see she had passed out. 

"There she's gonna be okay. Ranboo can you carry her to the spare room?" 

"Yeah, thanks Tubbo." 

"No problem." He picked her up bridal style and carried her up to the guest room. While he was walked up the stairs she curled closer to him. Ranboo blushed furiously. 

She's just in pain. It doesn't mean anything. 

He laid her on the bed. Y/n grabbed his arm. 

"Warm..." She muttered. Blushing even more he panicked. Y/n didn't let go of his arm. He climbed into the bed next to her. 

This might mean something. 

The sight of Y/n so close to him made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy. He took the time to study her face. Her curly hair had covered some of her eyes so so he tucked it behind her ear. Her ears were pointy at the end and had a few earrings on them. He took in every aspect of her face. Her jawline, her nose, her eyes and lashes, her lips. Y/n was very pretty. Feeling tired himself he closed his eyes and dosed off. 

Y'all got a long chapter with fluff in it. The next couple chapters are gonna be filled with fluff go get ready. I have baseball monday and wednesday so I might post as much on those days and when school starts so I'm gonna try and get as many chapters out as I can before school. Have a good day/night, go drink some water and eat some food! Take care of yourself!

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