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They made it to Kinoko kingdom. It was very well built, mostly out of mushroom and wood.

"Heya Ranboo!" A guy with a headband and a flame shirt on said running up to them. "Whatcha doing here? And who's the hoglin?"

"Hi Sapnap. That's Y/n, we're here to see Karl." Y/n laid down so Tommy and Tubbo could climb off then shifted into her half human form.

"Oh I see, well nice to meet you Y/n."

"Right back at you Sapnap."

"Come on, I'll take you to Karl!" They walked through the kingdom. It was very nice. There was a big pond in the middle and all the houses looked amazingly built.

"Karl? You have visitors!!" Sapnap yelled into a house.

"Really who?" Someone yelled back.

"Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo! And someone named Y/n?" Karl came running out and immediately froze at the sight of Y/n.



"Oh my god, it actually worked!" He came forward and hugged her tightly.

"What worked?"

"Can I talk to you in private?"

"Anything you can say to her you can say to us." Tommy said folding his arms.

"Just say it with them here or they'll never stop complaining."

"Well, I brought you from the inbetween because we needed you here. You see, I can't reveal anything but it would've been terrible. You play a important part in history. As do you three." He turned to Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy.

"Can you take me back?"

"Why would want to go back?" She sighed.

"That was my home for so long, I want to stay here but at the same time I want to go back."

"I can't take you back I'm sorry..."

"Okay, well it was nice to see you again. How're you holding up?" She whispered. "Need me to continue to write journals?"

"If you wouldn't mind that would help a lot." She smiled.

"Don't worry, I got you Karl."

"Thanks." Y/n turned to the group. "We can get going now if you guys want to." She shifted into her hoglin and laid down. Tommy and Tubbo climbed into her back.

"I'll see you again sometime Yeah?" Y/n asked Karl.

"See you again soon." She ran off.

"NICE TO MEET YOU SAPNAP!" Ranboo teleported as they reached the nether portal. She decided to walk through the nether so Tommy and Tubbo could talk without having bugs fly in their faces. She walked over the obsidian bridges.

There was a flash of lime green on her right. She stopped and looked around.

"What's wrong Y/n?" Tubbo asked. There was another flash of lime green.

"Hold on." She growled and shot off towards the nether portal. Y/n ran through the portal. However she stopped in her tracks at a familiar man In an orange jumpsuit standing in front of them.

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