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They'd explained to Ranboo what happened and he would not stop apologizing.

"I'm so sorry I attacked you." Ranboo said as they got under the bed covers.

"It's okay Ranboo, I know that wasn't you." She kissed him softly. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. hY/n pulled out of the kiss, cuddling close to him.

"I hope you know I love you more then anything in the world."

"Aw, I love you too Boo." She smiled and dozed off to sleep.

|A Couple Hours Later|

"AYO LOVEBIRDS! GET THE FUCK UP!" Tommy yelled, banging on the door.

"SHUT UP TOMMY!" She yelled back.


"FUCK YOU TOO!" Laying back down she realized Ranboo was awake. "Sorry for waking you." He rubbed his eyes. That made her heart melt, it was so cute.

"It's okay. You're warm." His voice was super deep. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his face in her neck.

"We gotta get up Boo..." She giggled.

"But I wanna stay here with you."

"We can cuddle when we get back I promise." He reluctantly let go of her.

"Thank you Boo." She kissed his forehead. "Wait isn't Dreams execution today?"

"Yeah, we should probably get going."

"Let's go get some breakfast first." They got out of bed and walked downstairs. Tommy glared at her. She flipped him off and sat down.

|At L'manburg|

Y/n grabbed Ranboo's hand in worry.

What if it goes wrong and he escapes?!

"What's on your mind N/n?" Ranboo whispered as they walked into the crowd of people. They stayed somewhat near the back.

"I'm just nervous Boo."

"Nothings, gonna happen trust me. And if anything does happen I promise to keep you safe." She pecked him on the cheek.

"Thank you."

Sam cleared his throat from a platform. Y/n looked up at the platform and realized Dream was in an iron cage.

"Thank you all for coming. I'm glad you agreed to give this man what he deserves. If you will Fundy, drop the anvils." The sounds of a rope snapping, anvils landing loudly, and blood hitting wood met her ears at the same time causing her to turn away quickly. There was shouting, people pushing past them. She looked up. Dream's mask was sitting in the cage and blood was spattered everywhere. However he was running away towards the forest.


"I GOT YOU SAM!" She shifted into her hoglin mid run and shot off after Dream. He was reaching the borders of the smp lands when she tackled and pinned him to the ground. His left arm was missing, he had a look of fear on his face. "If I get off of you to give you time to explain will you run away?" He shook his head no. She shifted back into her half human and got off of him. "So?"

"I never meant for any of this to happen. It was Nightmare! I always tried to tell everyone but they just cast me aside. Nightmare made me do all the bad stuff and I wish he didn't. I am so sorry about Gigi Y/n. If I could remember how to bring him back I would. And I'm sorry about the lava thing, I never meant for you to lose a life." She was about to talk when loud yells came from the forest around her. She shifted into her hoglin.

"Hop on Dream." He climbed onto her back and she shot off.

Once she'd gotten away from the forest she shifted back.

"I'm gonna patch your arm a little bit and I want you to explain Okay Dream?" They sat down and she listened to him while he explained everything.

"I understand Dream. I'll tell them I lost you. Please find a village and get them to take care of your arm better, Take care okay?" She gave him a quick hug.

"Thank you so much." He whispered into her ear.

"Just don't show your face around the smp for a bit okay? I'll try and talk sense into people."

"Thank you, I'll see you sometime in the future?"

"Sure you greenscreen man."

"See you!" He ran off in the opposite way of the forest. She saluted him, shifted back into her hoglin, and started the walk back to the smp to explain.

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