Chapter 2

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The Wiggles went to Liam Dankworth's office that very night.

"So you have come, Wiggles." said Dankworth himself.

"Yes we have, sir" said Greg.

"Wonderful. Now. Each of you, I shall bestow a gift upon. This adventure will require different types of gifts" said Dankworth.

"What kind?" said Anthony.

"All in good time" said Dankworth.

"You know... last time, Murray's gift was another baby. Even though it was weird and it results in your middle getting huge for nine months, I can't help but wonder what pregnancy is like" said Jeff.

"Jeff, do NOT make Mr Dankworth get you pregnant unless you want level twenty tummy troubles" said Murray.

"Good idea" said Jeff.

Dankworth laughed and said "These gifts might be more dangerous. And just like the last ones, they will be painful when received" 

"We're ready" said Anthony.

Dankworth turned to Greg first.

"To you, Greg, I give... the gift that you all have but will need the most" he said.

The yellow light flashed through Greg's forehead.

"To you, Murray, I bestow the gift you have always worked hard for" said Dankworth.

The red light flashed through Murray's chest.

"To you, Anthony, I give the gift that you always wanted" said Dankworth.

The blue light went through Anthony's nose.

"And finally, to you, Jeff, I bestow the gift that is sure to keep you awake" said Dankworth.

The gifts were bestowed, but the Wiggles' bodies needed to accept them.

"Oh, boy..." said Greg.

"Okay, here we go..." Anthony groaned.

"Ooh, I hate this part" Murray strained.

"Oh my goodness..." whispered Jeff.

"Now. As did last time, your adventure shall begin in the morning. So rest and let your bodies get used to their gifts" said Dankworth.

"Yes sir" said the Wiggles in unison.

So they settled down for the night.

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