Chapter 5

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When Greg pushed the walls open, a beautiful green meadow was revealed.

The Wiggles entered the room with the meadow almost afraid to breathe.

The meadow was made entirely out of candy.

"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" said Jeff.

"Is everything here candy?" said Greg.

Anthony sniffed the air.

"It all smells very sweet. I guess everything IS candy" he said.

"Anthony? How were you able to smell that?" said Murray.

"I dunno, Murray. I do love smelling food" said Anthony.

"Wait a second! Dankworth made your gift go through your nose. And you smell with your nose" said Jeff.

"So Anthony's gift must be a strong sense of smell!" said Greg.

"That's all it is. Well done" said Dankworth's voice.

"And we really like this room" said Jeff.

"You may look around. Even eat some of this candy if you please" said Dankworth's voice.

"Wow! You can eat the candy?" said Anthony.

"Yes you can. Now. You may enjoy" said Dankworth's voice.

The Wiggles explored the room and tasted some of the candy.

"All this candy is delicious!" said Jeff.

"And I am really loving this creamy stuff. I'm saving so much time on chewing" said Anthony.

"Anthony, you don't chew on solid foods" said Greg.

"Hey, Wiggles. Look at the river" said Murray.

The other three looked at the river. 

"This river is disgusting" said Jeff.

"This place might need to have the well water checked" said Greg.

Murray tasted the river and said "This isn't bad water. It's chocolate!"

"Wow! A chocolate river! And the waterfall is chocolate too" said Anthony.

"A chocolate river AND waterfall?" said Greg.

"That's gotta be ten thousand gallons an hour" said Jeff.

"But, Wiggles, this place is a factory. So I don't think we should be touching the river" said Murray.

"Oh, Murray. I just wanna taste it" said Anthony.

He tasted the chocolate river. 

It was so good, Anthony started taking a few gulps of chocolate.

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