Chapter 15

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The Wiggles took Jeff to the taffy puller and stretched him out.

But Jeff was now paper-thin and extra tall.

"Uh... I'm not sure we'd like Jeff this tall" said Greg.

"Very well" said Dankworth's voice.

A wave of magic turned Jeff back to his normal width and height.

"There. That's much better" said Jeff.

Then another Oompa Loompa came in and said "the boss wishes to see you".

"Huh?" said the Wiggles one at a time.

They followed the Oompa Loompas to Willy Wonka's office.

"A biplane behind my gates. A disfigured pipe. Our juice meter is overloaded with blueberry juice. An escaped bad nut. And my worker found you in the taffy pulling room" said Willy Wonka.

"Yes, that was all our doing, sir" said Murray.

"I was not expecting others. I'm never expecting others, by the way. No one can get in" Willy Wonka giggled.

"Well... we were told to come here" said Greg.

"Were you? Tell me this. If you were told to come here, why did you sneak in and not see me? Although, your outfits make me think you're good guys" said Willy Wonka.

"We ARE good guys" said Anthony.

"Yeah. We're the Wiggles" said Jeff.


"We're sure you've heard of the Wiggles. We're world famous" said Murray.

"No. You're really weird" said Willy Wonka.

"You had to have heard of us. Everyone has" said Anthony.

"Now, that's enough. I don't know who you are" said Willy Wonka.

"Huh?" said the Wiggles one at a time.

"Exactly how long have you been shut away in this place?" said Greg.

"A long time. Now. You're the, uh... Wiggles. But what are your names?" said Willy Wonka.

"I'm Greg" said Greg.

"I'm Murray" 

"I'm Jeff" 

"And I'm Anthony"

"And just who do you think you are?" said Jeff.

"Who am I? I'm Willy Wonka. The owner of this factory. My candy is just the best, isn't it?" said Willy Wonka.

"The best? I was nearly made into fudge" said Anthony.

"The squirrels thought I was a walnut" said Greg.

"I was shrunk to the size of my spleen" said Jeff.

"I still feel funny from being a blueberry" said Murray.

"Well, here's the thing, boys. You were told to come to my factory. And you have no idea why do you?" said Willy Wonka.

"Actually, Mr Wonka, you are the reason I told them to come here" said Dankworth's voice.

"What? Who said that?" said Willy Wonka.

"Uh, that was our friend Liam Dankworth" said Greg.

"Mr Wonka. The Wiggles have come to set some things right for you" said Dankworth's voice.

"Uh... Of course! But what things?" said Murray.

"Follow your map outside the factory now" said Dankworth's voice.

"Well, we found Mr Wonka. So now he probably comes with us on this adventure" said Jeff.

"Very well. But I hope it's worth my while" said Willy Wonka.

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