Chapter 7

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Murray and Anthony got out of the river covered in chocolate.

"Oh, Murray. That was so brave" said Jeff.

"Anthony, are you okay?" said Greg.

"I'm fine" said Anthony.

"How was Murray even strong enough to split a pipe like that in half?" said Jeff.

"Dankworth said his gift was the one he always worked hard for" said Anthony.

"And I'm always trying to build up my strength. So I work hard to get my strength up" said Murray.

"So your gift must be super strength" said Greg.

"Is that it, Mr Dankworth?" said Anthony.

"Yes! Well done, Wiggles" said Dankworth's voice.

"But... I don't understand. Why did the light go through my chest instead of my arms?" said Murray.

"When your heart was operated on, the doctors told you to take it easier than the past. So now you won't have to because your gift has made your heart and muscles stronger" Dankworth's voice explained.

"Wow!" said Anthony.

"Thank you, sir! Thank you!" said Murray.

"Yes, yes, yes. Now I shall use my magic to clean you two up so you can continue" said Dankworth's voice.

A wave of magic swiped the chocolate off of Murray and Anthony.

"So where do we go now?" said Greg.

"Uh... the map is showing us. We're at the right place. The chocolate river" said Jeff.

"So we go... this way" said Murray.

As he said that, a pink boat sailed up and another bunch of little people were rowing it.

"Wow! A boat made of candy" said Greg.

"What's next? Ice cream that doesn't melt?" said Anthony.

"So, if we need to go this way, we should take this boat this way" said Murray.

The Wiggles boarded the boat and the people rowed them along the river.

"This is great! We need to get one of these at Wigglehouse" said Anthony.

"Anthony, you'll just eat it" said Jeff.

"Oh, yeah. That's right" said Anthony.

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