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"What were you thinking?" Giovanni yelled as he opened my door. I sat there looking at him. He looked tired, worried. He looked a mess right now. His hair all messy, dark circles under his eyes.

"You obviously wernt thinking." I said at the same time as him causing him to growel. I smiled back at him as he looked at me.

"What happened?" He asked, reaching out to hold my face. I flinched back.

"Don't yell at me like that then act all worried." I told him pushing him out if the way so I could exit the vehicle.

"Remember who you are speaking too Francesca," he growled as he followed me up the front stairs.

"I don't give a fuck who you are!" I screamed at him turning around. He flinched at my tone. I was pissed. "Don't treat me like shit then expect me to be all over you," I growled at him.

"I do not treat you like shit," he yelled.

"You do, and the only reason you don't know is because you treat everyone like shit. Grow up, I'm sick of your little tantrums," I said before turning back around and walking into the house. Giovanni was hot on my tail. Knowing full well I poked the bear. Might of poked it too hard.

"Don't you dare walk away from me," he said as he followed me into the house and up the inside stairs.

"Don't you dare walk away from me," I mocked him as I continued to walk up the stairs and down the hall. "Watch me," I taunted him.

I heard him growl as he followed me down the hall. At a respectful distance. This is what I mean. He is fucking weird with giving me only just enough space. Never the full amount that I need. It was getting quite annoying. I approached my room and put my hand on the door.

"Francesca," he heavily breathed. I could hear the desperation in his tone. How tired he was, how fragile he really was.

"What?" I asked sighing and turning towards him. I took a good look at him. He looked sad. His eyes swollen, from what looks like crying. Was he crying over me?

"I-I just want to make sure your okay," he breathed out, closing his eyes shut then opening them again. I had made him stutter a bit.

Giovanni was a sweet man, he had good intentions with me. He just simply did not know how to communicate his intentions without coming off as a massive dick. But we can work on that.

"Do you want to come make sure I'm okay?" I asked turning my door knob and opening the door.

"You sure?" He asked scratching the back of his head. He looked cute. His suit pants and ruffled white button up. His shirt open wide. He really was beautiful. So so so beautiful.

"Yes," I said walking into my room. I stood in my room. The room dark, only the light from the moon shining through the window.

I heard Giovanni close the door behind him. The room was silent. I could hear my heart beating. My senses on edge. I could feel his presence. Even tho he was meters away. I could always feel it.

"I am sorry for how I act," he started. It taking me by surprised. I could hear his light foot steps towards me. "My therapist says I need to work on my communication skills."

"He is right," I told him. I could feel how close he was. The heat radiating off his body and onto my own. I craved him. I itched for his touch right now. He sees a therapist? Why do I find that hot? I could feel his breath on the back of my neck as he leaned down. Gently reaching out and placing a hand on my hip.

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