We had the test results come back a week later. The mans name was Ben Burnes, age is 25 and... And was going out with Sophie!
"Oh no, Sophie's not gonna be happy about this" I sigh. "Want me to tell her? I don't want you to get beaten up again" replied a concerned Derek. "No no I can do it. I was caught off guard is all, but not this time! I'm taking my gun just in case!" I smile. "Women and their guns" sighed Derek sarcastically.Pulling into Sophie's driveway, I click my holster in place. "Good luck" called Derek as I closed the door behind me. "yea"
Knocking on the door I try to think of what I'm gonna say. The door opened with an unhappy Sophie on the other side. "What do you want?" She asked, "Can I come in? I have to talk to you about um... Ben." I reply. Her eyes widened at the sound of his name, "Yes! Come in. What's wrong?" She shuddered. We sat down on opposite sofas.
"Sophie... Ben is err... dead." I look up to see her face. Her eyes wider than before, her mouth open and tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Oh my god!" She started crying. "I'm really sorry Sophie" I say as I move to the sofa she is sitting on and rub her back.
She cried harder and did something unexpected... she started hugging me. I hug back, I to know the feeling of losing someone special. "Do you want me to get you some water?" I asked pulling away. "No... but I have beer, well it was Bens but now..." She uttered. I walk over to the fridge and grab two. I open them and give one to Sophie who takes a big gulp in an attempt to calm herself. I myself take a mouth full, savouring the alcohol. I don't drink much. "Could you stay with me a bit please? I need comfort you know?" She said between sips, I smile "Sure. I'll tell Derek to pick me up later" I say leaving the lounge room.By the time she finished talking about how much she loved him and was sorry for snapping at me, we had had five drinks each. "I reckon we are quit intoxicated" I laugh. I somehow manage to call Derek. "Yo hey man, can I like get your bus home please?" I say. "Are you... Are you drunk?" He to laughed. "Not quit. but I think I should have another just to make sure." I giggle with Sophie. "Alright I'll be there in 10. No more drinking and take Sophie off to bed!" He told me. I hung up and looked at Sophie. "time for bed!" "Ok" and she vomited.