Chapter 8 - Moving in

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angie and I both walk and run to the hotel, chatting about what all we are going to do once I get moved in and such. once we get there I'm pulled in the front doors and Charlie jumps up and down in excitement.

"oh my gosh I'm so excited to be working with you Y/n! come to my office and we will get everything sorted!"

I laugh "yeah ok!"

she takes me to her office and pulls out a bunch of paper work and a pen.

"so, I do have to ask some questions before you start working here if that's ok?"

"yep. as long as they aren't too personal I don't really care." I shrug my shoulders.

"ok! first questions first, what's your full legal name?"

"its just Y/n, I wasn't given a middle or last name."

"that's odd... normally people that come from earth have those... ok next question, when were you born and when did you die?"

"I was born 1999 m/d (month and day) and I died 2018 2 days before my 19th birthday."

"oook and last question, how did you die and what was your sin and what are your hobbies and or talents"

"first off that's three questions" I laugh and she blushes. "and I was murdered and i'm not sure what my sin was... I guess I thought of killing myself and other people but that's it. and I can design, make clothing, cook, clean and I can do portraits of people that have been redeemed to make others inspired to get redeemed themselves"

she looks at me confused "that's weird, normally you actually have to commit the sin, not just think of it..."

"also the ides of doing portraits is amazing! we definitely need that around here, and it'll bring more guests in as well!"

I shrug my shoulder's and laugh nervously. "yeah thanks!"

"ok, your hired! ill give you your room key now, it number 37 on the second floor, just down the hall from angel" she gets up handing me a key.

"ill also get started on your work schedule so you can start working asap"

"thank you so much Charlie!"

"no problem Y/n!"

'"hey babe I need you for a second!"

"OH right I need to introduce you to the rest of the staff!"

I laugh as she grabs my hand and leads my to the living area.

"hey everyone get over here real quick!" Charlie calls out to everyone.

I see a black winged cat with card like symbols sitting behind the bar look up at me and he grunts at me. I just smile back politely. I then see Nifty run in.

"Hi!!" She hugs my legs.

I laugh "Hey Nifty! How are you?"

"Ohmygoshyouremeberedmyname! And I'm doing great!" She lets go of my legs and runs around me.

"Of course I remembered your name!!" I laugh.

Charlie the cuts in. "Hey Nifty have you seen Alastor? Normally when I call he just, teleports here..."

"He said he was going out to run some errands and will be back in a jiffy!"

"Bet he's off killing some poor innocent demon" the grey girl mumbles to Which Charlie looks at her nervously.

Charlie then starts pointing to everyone and naming them off. I learn that the black and white cats name is Husk, and the grey girls name is Vaggie. And since I already know everyone else that's all the introduction I needed.

Charlie then looks back to me and smiles. "Well everyone, Y/n will be staying here as well as the rest of you so please play nice! And she will be starting work in a few days as I have to work on her schedule and I want her to settle in so she won't be starting asap" She clasps her hands in front of her smiling wide.

I laugh "well it was nice meeting you all, but I'm going to head up into my room and get sorted out" I laugh.

Charlie and Nifty both wave to me and I wave back as I walk away.

With key in hand I walk to and up the stairs and look for my room. Soon finding it I walk inside. I look around and notice all the walls are painted a creamy color. There's also a soft black carpet covering the floor. I look for the light switch and flip it on. I see a big, red, queen sized bed, a bedside table with a lamp on it, a dark, wooden vanity, then I take notice of the living space Wich has a black couch and matching chair, a glass coffee table and a built in t.v. I nod approvingly and walk to my left where there is a white door.

Opening said door I turn the light on and find a bathroom. The bathroom have both a tub and a walk in shower, a small closet for towels, a big sink and of course, a toilet. The entire bathroom is  a creamy color just like the walls in the bedroom. I then notice a bag on the sink and upon opening it, I find a white towel, wash cloth, and a bunch of hygiene and feminine products. I smile appreciating the thought and walk out shutting the light off. Then I walk to these double doors and open it, finding a walk in closet. I nod my head and walk away.

Standing in the middle of my room I turn and look to my bed, then I snap my fingers and all my belongings appear on my bed.

I sigh in content. Finally some peace and quiet.

Alastors POV

I've been think of that girl non stop. It's been driving me insane. I just want to tear into her already and devour her. My mouth waters just thinking of it. I need to go out to hunt before I snap and kill someone here, that wouldn't be good for my plan in the long run.

I throw on my tail coat and walk out of my room, microphone in hand, and walk downstairs to the lobby. Before I can leave however darling Nifty runs up to me.

"Where are you going? Can I come with? Are we going to eat?"

"My darling little Nifty! No I'm just going out by myself this time, but I'll be back in a jiffy so don't worry your little head about where I'm at!" I smile down at her.

She just shrugs and runs off.

I sigh and chuckle. Now to find some lowly demons to have some FUN with. Teleporting to my territory I soon find a couple of demons trying to break into a store. I turn on my microphone to start my broadcast.

"Jace hurry up and just break in!" One of the demons rush the one trying to break in.

"Will you shut the fuck up?! I'm fucking trying Austin!"

"Guys be quite!" The third whisper shouts. "That raido freak could hear us!"

I laugh "Too late."

They all jump and look at me. Then, they all run away in separate directions. Laughing I send my shadows after them to make sure they stay in my territory.

"Let the games begin"

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