Chapter 10 - Piggy

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Y/n's POV

We both land on the floor and I wrap my hands around his neck straddling him.

He laughs and pushes me off of him "My my, you have quite the temper on you" he glares down at me.

He gets up and dusts himself off walking over to my chair and ignores me.

I laugh right back and glare at him "yeah no shit sherlock i fucking wonder WHY ON EARTH ID BE MAD? OH MAYBE IT BECAUSE SOME FUCKING PERVERT JUST FUCKING WALKED RIGHT INTO MY ONLY FUCKING SAFE PLACE I HAVE!" I scream and start sobbing.

He doesn't say anything and I just curl into a ball and cry, my fear overcoming my anger.

A million thoughts start going through my head on what he could do to me and I wont be able to do anything about it.

I stay like the for a minute but get fed up with my depression. I get off the floor and walk to my important box. I dig through and find my anti depressants. I down a couple in one go.

I hear Alastor get up and walk towards me. I ignore him and start going though my clothing bag. I then feel my towel cover me. Honestly I dont even care anymore about being naked infront of him. I throw the towel away then turn to him.

He looks away from me "my dear it's very unladylike to be naked infront of people, please put some clothes on"

"Your in my fucking room bud you dont like it? Then get out. Simple" I say and cross my arms.

He scoffs and leaves my room shutting the door behind himself. I instantly fall to my knees and start crying. Fucking pills never work when I need them too.

After about 5 minutes of crying I go numb, the pills finally kicking in. I get up and grab a pair of black panties and a giant black t-shirt that has "fuck me like you mean it" written in big white letters.

I move my boxes and my bag off of my bed and hop in bed to try to go to sleep. I hug a pillow to me but still find it hard to sleep. But soon enough I end up  passing out.


I jolt awake from a nightmare, my body trembling and covered in sweat.

I feel tears run down my face and I curl into a ball sobbing. I had a nightmare of losing my first baby girl. I dont understand why god would give me a baby just to have it raped, abused and killed right as its born. Why would he give anyone life if that's what their life is going to be? If he truly loved his creations why would he let them be hurt like that. Fuck my babies didnt have to go through any of that! My daughter's, my poor baby girls, raped and killed right infront of me and I couldn't do anything about it. My sons probably dont even know me... they are probably going to turn out like my father....

I put my hands in my hair and grab my ears pulling on them. I scream loudly trying to block out the memories and feel my power surge though my veins. Things start flying around my room and I scream again, but this time in rage.

How could god let people do those things to my poor babies?! They did nothing to deserve any of that! They were only infants! Fuck I was only an infant! I was locked in a room with no windows, I was raped, abused, starved, KILLED! THEN IM PUT IN HELL AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY!

I hear muffled talking and someone screaming my name. I then feel someones arms around me and they start rocking me back and forth, rubbing circles on my back.

I slowly calm down and hug the person back, sobbing into their shoulder.

"M-my babies didnt deserve any of those horrible things! Why did god give me babies when I couldn't even protect them! My poor babies...  it's all my fault!" I cry harder and hug the person tighter.

"Shhhhh it wasnt your fault Kitten, I'm not sure why god would do that but I know its definitely not your fault"

As soon at the person calls me kitten I realize its Angie that's comforting me. I sigh and relax more in his arms knowing I'm safe.

I pull away from him and look hold my belly "they were only infants Angle.... my daughter's were raped and killed! My sons are probably turning out like my father and theres nothing I can do!" I fall back into his arms and hug my belly tightly.

"I'm so sorry Y/n...." Angie hugs me tighter.

After a couple minutes I completely calm down. Angie pulls us apart and looks at me with a small sad smile.

"Y/n I'm so sooo sorry about not being here yesterday, Val called me and I wasnt able to answer my phone and when I got here in time for dinner you ran out the door and I wasnt able to get to you.... I assumed you needed some time to yourself to adjust..." Angie looks at me with guilt on his face.

"Its ok... I guess the change just triggered me, I'm not really use to change..." I sigh and hug him again.

I feel him laugh a bit then he lifts me up and takes me to the shower. I giggle and he sets me down. He turns the light on and we both get undressed and get into the shower together. We wash our bodies and Angie uses my shampoo, conditioner and body wash so he now smell like my favorite fruit. I snap my fingers and I hand Angie a towel that I teleported from his room. He wraps it around his waist and I go in to my bedroom, before turning the light off. I pick my towel off of the ground from attacking Alastor last night. We both dry ourselves off and we go through my clothing, get dressed, brush our hair, brush our teeth (I teleported his tooth brush from his room so we didnt share), and we did our makeup.

Angie told me that Charlie gave me the day off so I can go shopping and such.

We both look in the mirror and smile at our appearance. I'm dressed in a f/c off the shoulder crop top, back shorts, black fishnet stockings, long black socks, my combat boots, my black fingerless gloves and a black cholker with a silver pentagram hanging from it. I have black lipstick on my top lip and a nude lipstick on my bottom lip. I have black and gray eye shadow with a little f/c blending into it to match my shirt. I leave my hair down and put an earing in my cat ear.

Angie is wearing one of my black crop tops with a pair of black hot pink high waisted short shorts. Hes wearing hot pick eyeshadow and black eyeliner as well as pick lipstick.

We laugh and I grab my phone, speaker, and my money, stuffing it inside my bra. We leave my room after making my bed and go into his room then Angie freezes. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Uh you a-ok?" I ask concerned.

"Promise that when we enter my room you wont scream or anything" he says seriously.

Fear creeps into me but I promise anyways. Entering his room closing the door behind him he turns the light on.

I gasp and instantly run to his bed squealing "! Angle where the FUCK did you find him?!"

I pick the little pig in my arms and he oinks at me. My heart melts and I hold him close and cradle him like a baby.

He laughs "that's also one reason I was gone for so long, I found him in an alleyway and I couldn't just leave him there." He coos at the little pig.

"Wait, does anyone else know about him?" I ask scared.

"Nope, Vaggie is a bitch and hates animals for some fucked up reason" he rolls his eyes and groans.

"Damn that's shit, but oh well, more piggy cuddles for us!" I kiss the pig on his head.

Angie comes over to us and kisses us both on the head. I giggle and kiss him on the cheek and the pig on the head.

"So what's his name?" I ask cooing at the little pig.

"His name is fat nuggets" Angie said proudly.

I laugh "awe such a cute and unique name for such a cutie pie!"

We spend a minute admiring Fat nuggets. We plan on stopping at a pet store to buy our little boy some things.

I cant wait to spoil the shit outta him, I'm gonna be the best mom I can to this cutie.

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