Chapter 11 - Shopping

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Y/n's POV

Angie get his high heels on and we both say buy to our baby boy and kiss him on the head.

Going out of Angie's bedroom we hold hands and run downstairs laughing happily.

We go into the living area and find Charlie talking to Vaggie.

"Hey Charlie, Angie and I are heading out to go shopping,we will be back in a couple hours" I say excited to go out with my bestie.

Charlie turns around and has a strange look on her face "oh! Y/n! Uh yeah you can go out... um also are you ok?" She looks at me worriedly.

"Yeah? I'm ok? Why what's wrong?" I tilt my head and my ears fall flat on my head, worried that I did something wrong.

"Nothing nothing, I'd just like to talk to you when you get back" she says and scratches the back of her neck.

She's the one Angie was talking to this morning when I had that nightmare.... she's probably going to ask questions, I'll only tell her a little bit and see if she keeps it to herself, if not then I wont tell her anymore.

"Ok" I just shrug and walk away with Angie's hand still in mine.

As we walk by the kitchen I see Alastor and we make eye contact. I get goosebumps and a weird shiver down my spin when he smiles at me. I quickly look away and blush. I hurriedly run outside with Angie.

He looks at me and notices my blush "ooooooo Y/n has a crush!~"

"Fuck off ass hat. I dont have a crush on him. I was just remembering that he broke into my room yesterday when I was in the shower. I ended up attacking him naked." I pout and cross my arms, taking my hand out of his.


I quickly grab Angie and pull him to me kissing him on his lips. He kisses me back and when we part he pulls me into his chest and hugs me tightly.

"Angie please dont fight him, I dont want you getting hurt! Val does enough shit to you, you dont need to get hurt by anyone else" I look up at him and smile slightly at him.

He mumbles curses under his breathe then smiles back at me. "Fine, but we are getting you a couple guns."

I laugh "ok Angie wangie~" I try to flirt with him.

"Hm if you were a guy I'd totally suck you off right now~" he laughs and flirts back.

"To bad I'm a girl then"

Angie and I both laugh then I put some music on as we walk to hells mall.

Alastor's POV

why in the world am I STILL thinking about this little girl?! I growl and stab another lowly demon.

Last night when I seen her in her towel for some reason I wanted to have her close. I wanted her to be wrapped in my arms so nobody could see her. I've never felt the need to care for someone that wasnt me.

Teleporting to my room I scoff at my thoughts and new emotions then push them away. don't need to care about anyone else but myself, this is hell Afterall. You mustn't have feelings. and I'm sure the only reason why I feel like this is because she looks like her... but never again. I cant have feeling's, she's gone and there's nothing I can do about it.

I then hear screaming down the hall. For some odd reason my dead heart jolts. I get curious as to why a scream would make me feel even the slightest bit of worry. I walk out of my room and see both Charlie and Angel standing in front of Y/n's room.

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