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Clary wiped away the stray dust particles of the colored chalk as she heard the sound of a shoe heel clicking, signaling the red-head that Magnus, Jace, Isabelle and Alec walked in to see the finished pentagram on the floor. "Jocelyn was right, your artistry is beyond compare." Magnus praised, Clary stood up dusting the chalk off her hands.

"I don't know about that."

"Oh, the only other person I've known who could draw as well was Michelangelo, who was excellent in bed, I might add." Magnus looked over at Alec, who was secretly happy that someone was taking notice of him for once and not just Isabelle and Jace, both of whom noticed the warlock looking at Alec. Isabelle laughed a little as Jace shot his best friend a confused look wondering what Magnus was getting at. Alec just shrugged at Jace to make him drop the topic.

"Okay. We're ready. Everyone take your rightful place on the pentagram." Magnus said, rolling up the sleeves of his black silk shirt. Everyone, apart from Clary, stood at one of the points of the pentagram. Clary looked around not really knowing what to do. Jace moved her to one of the points and Alec, being Alec, rolled his eyes at this, not that anyone apart from Magnus noticed.

"We must initiate a bond. Once this bond is sealed, it cannot be broken until the demon retreats. No matter what happens, we must not let go of each other's hands." Magnus held out his hand out to Alec who was standing beside him. The Shadowhunter slowly took Magnus's hand, as he did a loud booming noise echoed throughout the room. Alec and Magnus held each other in a gaze for a few seconds. Both of them feeling a sensation of warmth and a strange energy flooded their bodies as their hands became connected. Alec pulled his gaze away from Magnus' as he joined hands with Jace and everyone else joined hands as well. Once Isabelle took Magnus' hand they all looked at each other wearily.

"I will lead the ceremony, and you all must do exactly as I say. The demon's name is Valak. And at some point, he will ask for payment in exchange for Clary's memories."

"What do you mean? What kind of payment?" Jace demands of Magnus, who smirks, seeming to enjoy the blonde's confusion.

"We will see. Let us begin." Magnus closed his eyes and began to speak in a language that no one understood. A small red glow came from around Isabelle's neck. Her necklace was pulsing as a howling wind filled the room as a tornado of black smoke came flooding into the pentagram as powerful wind blew against everyone. "Valak is among us. Do not break the bond." Magnus shouted, making Alec grip onto Magnus's hand tighter. Everyone else did that same, gripping onto each other for dear life so the bond that was keeping the demon inside the pentagram wouldn't be broken.

"It is time, the demon demands payment."

"What does it what?" Alec shouted knowing that everyone in this room would have to give something up if they wanted to get Clary's memories.

"We must each relinquish a beloved memory of the one we love the most." As Magnus said this a memory was pulled from Clary's mind. It was of her mother Jocelyn. Isabelle was next in line. A memory of Alec smiling was pulled from her mind. Jace's memory confused everyone though. It was of a hooded man giving him a falcon. Abruptly, without warning the demon grew angry, as the wind grew more wild meaning the demon Valak was wanting out.

"Valak is trying to escape!!!" Magnus shouted, his voice just being able to over power the sound of the swirling wind that dominated the room

"Why what did we do??" Clary asked desperately, wanting to know what had gone wrong for this to happen.

"Something must have been wrong with blondie's memory." Mangus shouted back as the demon became harder to contain. "Hold on." Magnus could feel Alec's hand slipping from his grip. He looked over to the raven haired shadowhunter, who's eyes were fluttering closed. Alec suddenly lost all consciousness, slipping out of Jace and Magnus' grasp and went flying into the black tornado that held the demon. Everyone else was sent flying back, all crashing into the walls. Magnus quickly got back up and used his magic to try and contain the demon and to keep it from taking Alec.

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