Chapter One

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Alec walked the halls of the institute, wondering about the events of the previous night. Being sucked into a tornado of the memory demon, horrible nightmare of a river of blood, zombie-like hands shooting up grabbing his legs, waking up screaming, the mirror in his room breaking when he screamed, and the strange feeling he got when he and Magnus held hands. Alec felt a warm rushing of crimson blush fill his cheeks the moment his mind went to the warlock he met that night. He stopped in his tracks, he was blushing at the thought of a Downworlder. Alec quickly pushed the thought Magnus out of his head and, thankfully the blush died down. He sighed, he couldn't deal with whatever he was feeling for Magnus right now. He had to talk to Jace about the nightmare, what happened to him last night, maybe he would know what was going on, or brush it off like it was nothing.

"He spoke to you?" Alec heard Jace say, he mentally sighed to himself. Continuing to walk to Jace's room to see what was going on, He saw Jace talking to Clary, of course, as he was holding up the purple glass necklace Clary's mother had given to her before getting captured by Valentine's men.

"He said my name. He said, "Your mother for the Cup"." Clary said to Jace softly as Alec came into Jace's room. Making himself known.

"Who said that?" He questioned as Jace and Clary turned to him.


"He's with my mother." Alec could tell that Clary was worried about her mother by the way her voice shook. Even if he didn't like the red-haired girl, he could understand being worried about a loved one.

"And he can speak to you through that necklace? Here, in the Institute?" Alec's voice became raised a little, concerned with what this element could mean.

"It's like when I saw Dot." Clary explained as Jace stared at the necklace.

"It's a Portal shard." He said in realisation "That's why your mother made sure you had it."

"All I know is what I saw... My mother, unconscious, but alive."

"Where are they?" Alec questioned.

"I don't know."

"But you said you saw them. Were there any identifying characteristics? Equipment, weapons, photographs?" Alec pressed further.

"I don't remember. It was awful." Clary said the last bit quietly, hugging her arms a little.

"Alec, lighten up." Jace said to Alec who became more frustrated than he already was in the current situation.

"Jace I'm trying to get something we can use out of this." Alec turned to Clary who was looking down at the floor. "Clary, what did you see, exactly?"

"Valentine has my mother! That's what I saw." She said exploding in at the raven haired Shadowhunter.

"Emotions are nothing but a distraction. You're ruled by them. We're taught to control them." Alec snapped.

"And how is that working out for ya?"

"It is my job to protect the Institute. If Valentine can see in, that's a door I have to shut. Now... let me take a look at that thing." Alec held out his hand, Jace wearily put the portal shad necklace in it. "Now, it's in the proper hands." He quickly walked away from the pair who ran after him as he walked to the op's center of the Institute.

"Hey! Alec! What are you doing with it?" Clary asked, finally catching him.

"To put this somewhere safe. Where no one could be tempted to use it." Alec takes out his stele, waved it over a rune on the floor which activated a hidden vault of sorts. with a few shelfs in it that rose out of the floor.

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