Chapter Seventeen

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Long chapter

Night had fallen. It filled them all with worry, pulling up to the seemingly rusting iron works where Alec was being held. Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Luke and Simon all piled out of the cars, their feet hitting the pavement, listening to the silences in that area, dreading if a single sound was made. Mostly dreading if they, god forbid it, heard a scream piece their ears, they knew what it would mean.

"Maybe Valentine hasn't opened his mind yet." Isabelle broke the air, her words were filled with a sort of optimum that they could all desperately need at this point. But Jace's own thoughts contradicted this. He tried to sense Alec, what type of condition he was in, but nothing. Alec was a ghost. He couldn't feel anything, not even a single emotion from his parabatai, his brother. It was like he was a ghost or he was holding everything in.

"Or we're too late." He said grimly, making everyone turn to him and making all of their fears sky rocket. Letting out a nervous breath Luke quickly ducked back into his car, pulling a jar out of the glove box. The contents of which would help them find their Banhee friend in the, no doubt maze of an iron works. The dull, silver energy dust they would use track Alec and hopefully find him without his mind being open. But the chances of that happening, looked pretty slim. Valentine was a man of his word, they all heard him say by tomorrow your mind shall be open, and it was well past tomorrow. Valentine more than likely kept his word.

"We all know what to do?" Luke asked. They nodded, a seriousness taking over. They knew the stakes, they knew they were only going to get one shot at this. They couldn't screw it up. If they did it would cost Alec's life. Glamouring the cars from unwanted eyes, manly circle members and Valentine if did make an appearance they wouldn't want him to know they were here at all. It was strictly a stealth mission. Pouring the silver dust into the palm of his hand with Clary pulling out her stele. Since she was standing next to the werewolf she would have to do the honours. They all watched as the red-head let the stele glow, drawing the golden, shimmering lines of the tracking rune that seemed to be sucked into the energy dust as it shot itself into the air, swirling in place for the faintest of seconds before shooting towards the iron works. Breaking through the glamour that hid it's true form. Everyone quickly followed after it. Walking through the glamour of the Iron works seeing it as what it truly was, a full blown circle base, but something instantly looked off to Simon.

Last time he was here with Magnus there was a full platoon of circle members guarding every single inch of the place. Well that's how it looked from the outside, but now there was no one and it didn't help to ease his fear about the whole situation. Isabelle looked over at the vampire, noticing the increase of worry and fear he showed. "Simon what is it?" She asked, looking directly at him. Trying to avoid her gaze and holding her back from the rest of the group.

"Something isn't right." He whispered. "Last time I was here there was Circle member after Circle member guarding this place."

"And now there's hardly any by the looks of it." He nodded as Isabelle ran to catch up with the rest of the group, telling this seemingly small, but very useful information. That only made them fear the worst for what they would find.


At the Jade Wolf Lydia and Magnus both worked in a very, very tense environment. Being too scared to talk for fear of missing an important phone call from Luke or the others. They kept glancing at the file opened neatly on the metal table in front of, the only file that had the details of how the Banhees and Banshees minds were opened twenty years ago by Valentine. What was used and how their powers were amplified by this and they all died screaming. While the file and in the knowledge it possessed was terrifying to say the least it was also very helpful for, hopefully, making a cure or the thing that would calm Alec's mind if he was to be bright back to the Chinese restaurant with the serum in his head and being able to hear all death. Even the other werewolves were scared as to what would happen. The sound to fill the Jade Wolf one of a ticking clock and of Magnus and Lydia's shoes hitting the floor. Trying everything they could think of, that could save Alec.

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