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TW/ mentions of abuse

tommy had woke up to a loud cry, it sounded like a little boy so he got up and ran to the cry, he then saw a little boy with tears on his face and he was holding a little girl in his arms who looked beat up.

" p-please help us sir.. me and my sister had ran away from our abusive father a-and he hurt her.. "

i looked at the girl who had bruises and cuts, she looked young maybe around 5 or 6 years old ? she had brown hair with streaks of blonde.

" kid, what's ur name ? " i asked the boy, he looked the same as his sister, he looks around 12 and his hair was half brown and half blonde

" my n-names Caspian.. my sister's name is Cass.. " the boy stuttered out

" well my name is tommy, now how about we go to my tent so i can help ur sister ok ? " i say softly, i didn't want to scare him

" o-ok.. " he says as he delicately puts her in my arms, with a more closer look u can see the bruises and cuts, they all look fresh..

.. " c'mon kiddo " i say while carrying the girl, the boy looked worried and panicked

we make it back to my tent, i laid cass down on my little bed, i grabbed some potions and bandages - i dropped some of the potion onto her cuts and then wrapped them, she seemed to be knocked out so after i finished wrapping her cuts i just let her sleep for awhile

i went over to caspian, he looked fearful and panicked

" hey caspian ? "

" y-yes " he said softly

" i fixed up ur sister, she's resting now so would u let me help ur cuts then u would be able to also take a nap "

he nods and i did the exact same thing, poured the potion and wrapped the cuts he flinched a bit but it's ok, once i finished i let him sleep beside his sister..

{} = thoughts

{ man.. he really loves her.. maybe i could take them in ?.. i mean they have nowhere else to go }

after thinking about it - i finally decided to adopt them.

things were slowly getting better by each minute..

words: 382
alsoo im starting my karlnap fan fic :)) and it will be in a different writing style btw !! I'm keeping my writing on this the same bc I don't wanna switch it up but i hope u enjoy <33

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