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- dream smp -

" so, techno, why'd you call? you never call. "

Wilbur was right, techno never called or associated with him until now...

" don't think to much of it. just come to my place now. it's serious. " techno said it simply and hung up without giving Wilbur a chance to answer

Wilbur just wonders.

" what could be so serious?.. "

- back with tommy and deo - 

" so uh when are the guys coming back? i wanna see them " 

" i think they're gonna be on their way soon "

" ohh okay- " tommy had gotten cut off by cass and caspian 

" papaaa me and cass picked our roomss " caspian walked towards tommy with his sister holding his pinky 

tom giggled a bit " okay well what do you wanna now? "

" i don't know papa, but cass seems tired "

tommy smiles and picks up a very sleepy cass 

" alright well im gonna put cass to bed, you can talk to deo while im doing so "

caspian looks at deo then looks back at tommy 

" hm okay papa " caspian says while sitting across deo

tommy smiles and walks down to cass's room

{ it finally feels like home .. }

- back at the dream smp  -

" okay so why did you tell me to come here? "

wilbur was at techno's house sitting in a chair half slanted, wilbur doesnt come over to his that much after the whole .. incident. 

" well tubbo and ranboo had came over and told me that tommy has been missing for awhile. i told them to wait 2 more days or so and come back if theres no sign, but isnt it a little out of the ordinary that he's been missing ? not making chaos ? and sapnap making a stupid lie sayings he's sick ?. "

 techno says it motone but you can tell hes only slight worried. just a bit.

wilbur looks up at techno

" techno its tommy, he's probably planning something or trying to scare us. hes fine. " he shrugs it off, putting his cigarette back in his mouth

techno stares daggers at wilbur. he knew he shouldnt have invited him over to help. he shouldve done it on his own like he usually does. like he always does. 

" wilbur. if hes up to something or trying to scare us then why did sapnap say hes sick. huh? tommy doesnt get sick. he didnt even get affected by the egg. HOW IS HE SICK? "

 techno raises his voice a bit which catches wilburs attention.

" never thought you would be worrying about tommy. " wilbur teases

" i dont care. i just wanna figure out where he is. " 

" sure. "

wilbur blows the smoke out his mouth while staring at techno

" i think i know where we should go first tech. "

" where ? and dont. ever. call. me. that. "

wilbur smirks and spells out the 5 words techno wishes he didnt 

" D. R. E. A. M. " 


- back with the bay -

" so. how do you know papa ? " caspian questions

" oh well he's my platonic husband " 

caspian looks at deo confused 

" whats platonic ?.. "

" you've never learned what platonic is ? " 

" nope " 

deo pats the seat beside him 

" come sit by me and i'll tell you okay? "

" hm .. okay "

caspian gets up and walks over to deo, climbing in the seat beside him 

" soo what is it ?? "

" well its ... "

- with tommy and cass -

tommy had laid and tucked cass in her bed, kissing her on her forehead

he starts to get up when he feels a tiny hand grasp his 

" huh-? whats wrong cass ?

" papa don't leave .. please "

tommy smiles and cuddles up beside cass

" hey, its okay cass. i'll stay right here until you fall asleep "

cass smiles drowsily and starts falling asleep cuddled up with tommy. 

" good night cass " tommy says while giving her another kiss on her forehead 

" i love you .. "


HEYY SORRY IVE BEEN GONE- school has been a real pain. grades, fights, etc etc and im very sleep deprived. i've been trying to post this chapter for awhile. im so so sorry but i'll post another one tomorrow just for you guys <333 so i hope you enjoy 

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