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Deo ran towards the blonde, tackling him into the ground


" woah- calm down Deo, im ok " he chuckled slightly

" oh- yeah heh- uh- toms why do u have children-? " Deo notices them staring at him

" oh the girl is Cass and the boy is Caspian, they're my kids?- i guess u could say "

" oh- wait- W H A T ? "

- at the dsmp -

" ranboo something isnt right.. i mean tommy has been missing for a few days now "

" tubs he's fine surely but we can check on him again if u want to "

tubbo smiles and hugs ranboo

" ur the best husband ever <3 "

they started to walk to Tommy's house again and once they get there they knock on the door, this time Karl answers

" oh hey tubbo and ranboo- whats up ? "

" hey Karl uhm is tommy better by any chance ? last we checked he was sick "

" o-oh yeah he's getting better, but u can't see him supposedly he's contagious " he lies easily unlike sapnap

" oh uh well can we just say hi- "

" tubs he's sick and we don't want u to catch it nor ranboo so sorry but u can't "

" oh.. uhm ok well bye Karl "

" byee- " and just with that he shuts the door.

" yeah something is definitely up... " ranboo says turning to tubbo

- back with tommy -

they went inside the mansion, it was only them 2 and the kids since the rest of the bay was out

the place was pretty big, it had a lot of rooms, bathrooms in each room, a nursery, and an giant living room - not to mention a big ass pool in the back as tommy would say it

" hey Cass and Caspian , you guys can go pick out any rooms you want ok ? be careful "

" ok papa ! " they said in harmony

while those 2 went to pick their rooms tommy and deo sat and talked

" toms i have a question "

" hm? "

".. why'd u come back? aren't u in dreamsmp now ? "

" oh uh its nothing deo, I've just missed the bay "

tommy lied. well kinda lied because yes he missed the bay but he also just wanted to get out of that murderous place

" are u sure toms ? yk u can tell me anything ok ? "

tommy smiled, he knows he can trust deo but he would go crazy if he told him especially since deo is crazy protective of him

" i know deo. i know "

- back at the dsmp -

ranboo and tubbo went to find techno and phil even though they aren't really on good terms. well tubbo and techno aren't

" tubbo this is our only hope in finding out where tommy could be "

" whatever.. im only doing this for toms "

once they finally get to techno's house ranboo knocks on the door and it swings open after a few seconds

" what is it now- oh hm hello ranboo and... tubbo " he says in a slightly annoyed voice

" techno we really need ur help, it's about tommy "

" hm.. what did he do now. "

" well he didn't do anything.. "

" so why do u need my help ? "

" well.. we think he's uhm missing... "


HIII IM BACK :))) tysm fir the reads !!<3 sorry i was gone for so long - school had started im sept and it was a struggle T-T but now im gonna try and update more. alsoo i have a new fic and it's first chapter will be uploaded today :) mwah

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