Part 23

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🆃🅷🅴  daylight has come out by now, the world has become so bright to Estella who is now tied up to a tied trunk. Her leg is starting to weaken from holding herself up throughout the night. But her composure still stays track, not showing any emotions nor weakness while keeping a steady glare at the Careers.

The Career is having fun, torturing her with punches, stabs from a knife, and more. However, the game soon turns boring with the lack of responses from Estella who would merely laugh at every hit. "Getting exhausted? Oh, poor baby," she smirks at them, spitting out the blood in her mouth as she laughs her ass out at Cato who stood in front of her, with her leg banging on the ground with her excitement.

Annoyed, Cato aimed another punch right on her jaw.

The day is starting to get tiresome for Estella too, she can even bet that the game makers are feeling the equivalent. There hasn't been any death for a good 8 hours, no screams or cannons being blasted into the skies. Until a thunderous sound snaps her head around. Estella turns her head, in horror.

"Fuck!" Estella utterly wishes she kept her feelings to herself and not thought so soon because now terrified animals are bursting out of the woods in a stampede, coming this way. Why? Because a wall of flames is behind them, mountainous, fast-moving. A forest fire barreling at them.

The careers stare at each other rather than at Estella. "Fuck you!" Estella screams at them, knowing full well what they were planning. With a second thought, they gather their stuff, leaving behind the tied Estella while laughing and tittering among themselves. "I'll fucking get you!! And you stupid Game Makers!!"

Swiftly running her head around her surroundings, she got approximately 50 seconds to get herself emancipated from this skin-eating rope. Not caring about her injured self, Estella gathers her strength pushing her out to at least loosen the tie.

"Need help there?"

Estella stops for a second, looking up only to see her partner's most annoying grin that is clear of amusement at her situation. If Estella could, she would flick her middle finger at Aries, disregarding the male, she recapitulates her pushing. Underpinning in her outcry as the rope drills more rooted into her wound. "I sure as hell want to know who did-" Estella's heated scowl executed Aries's bubbly voice stop mid-sentence. "- Admittedly, it's not the right time."

"You don't say you, idiot!" "I'm having a feeling that that word is going to be stuck as my nickn-"

"For fuck's sake, Aries!!" Aries booming laughter filled the forest, taking out his pocket knife, he easily cut the rope earning Estella to fall into his arms. "Hi." Estella made an annoyed face, pushing Aries. Then taking his wrist, she starts dragging them far from the fire.

She spun around and was nearly trampled by the panicking animals. "I got this for you." Aires wasn't taking the situation much seriously despite being life-threatening, and Estella wasn't even surprised at this point. Shifting her head to the side at Aries, she saw him throw her a belt with knives.

Upon catching it, Estella wraps them around her waist, cursing at it insignificantly as it puts more weight on her running. "I don't know if you notice but this arena is taking a toll on your swearing. And I love it!!"

Estella chooses to ignore the male for now. Seeing as suddenly everything around them is on fire, every tree. Aries effortlessly dodges a burning branch, and jumps over a burning log, making sure to always be in each other sight. Estella had to take off her jacket as the tail of her jacket caught on fire, leaving her in her black tank top.

Running alongside the animals, Estella panicked screams, and Aries's booming laughter was adding to the terror.

Aries and Estella get to the other side of a huge rock, nothing burning within fifty yards of them. Estella sags back, gasping. Searing pain in her chest and leg from the full night of torture, but she was unburned and that is what's more important.

Aries took out a water bottle, letting Estella drink her heat away while she investigated the situation, they were in. "So..." Aries turns to gape at Estella, checking her bloody state. "How was your first day?" Estella frowned at him, spraying a little amount of water that was in her mouth right at his face but Aries's laughter only grew.

Their moment stops when a strange thin hiss penetrates the air, Estella first to notice before Aries. They look up a millisecond, just in time as a fireball whiz within an inch of her head, imploding on the boulder behind them. This wasn't part of the forest fire. 

"These gamemakers are genuinely trying to get us killed. Someone is biased."

"I'm glad you are starting to notice."

Aries smirks at Estella, teasingly wiggling his eyebrow. Aries bolts them up, sprinting away. They hear another hiss, and with quick thinking, she pushes them down and flattens themself to the ground as a second fireball surges over them, slamming into a tree, instantly immolating it.

They get to their feet once more, running, gasping. Smoke everywhere. A third hiss came, this fireball so close it took six inches off Estella's hair. But she keeps running. No animals in sight now. Fire on all sides of them. Up ahead is the edge of a cliff but they can't see what's below it.

A fourth hiss cuts the air. They run blindly, eyes burning due to the smoke. The fourth fireball blazes across, about to aim at Estella, until Aries switches their position earning him to take the damage on his good arm. "Aries!"

The pair couldn't get another moment of rest when another hiss, another fireball came at them. Not waiting any longer, Estella pushes Aires and herself down the cliff. Embracing Aries tight from him gaining any more injury, blind, no idea what's below as that last fireball barely misses them.

 Embracing Aries tight from him gaining any more injury, blind, no idea what's below as that last fireball barely misses them

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