Part 24

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🅷🅸🆃🆂 after hits, groans after groans. They are assuredly safe and back on solid ground. Both opened their eyes carefully, examining the surroundings first before Estella let Aries free. Luckily for them, there was a lake right in front of them.

Estella helps Aries up, forcing him to sit by the lake. Taking off his jacket, she took one of the knives in her belt, cutting carefully the sleeves where Aries took the burn. Seeing the state of the skin, she whence, "That's going to scar." Seared flesh stares back at her.

Aries's shoulder right to the arm is bright red. "Quick question. Are you into scars? Do you find them sexy?" She rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh, though a chuckle did develop. Typical Aries. Agony is corning; she knows that: She grabs a plastic sheet from his backpack, and folds it into a palm-sized square. "Yes. Yes, I do."

Before Aries arranged to respond with his usual flirting and comeback. She stuffs the plastic sheet in his mouth, making sure he bites down. She then points to the lake, telling him to get in. Gathering his courage, he dips his shoulder in, the pain is awful, and his eyes tearing. But he leaves it in there.

While he cools down the burning sensation, Estella finally glances at herself. Blood was still oozing out of her wounds and injury. Checking through Aries's bag for anything to help with that but tough luck it seems. The best she could do it keep it clean from infection.

After 5 minutes, Aries's pain swoons down. Now wagering by a huge rock, administering eyes around them as Estella goes to clean herself now. He isn't paying full attention to any trespassers if you compute how he was gawking at Estella who is stripping her upper clothes off. Her back was bear with scars and blood for him to ogle at. "You better have your eyes anywhere but on me, Aries."

"That's unfair! You know I can't lie to you." Aries pouts his lips out, sulking but that doesn't put his eyes anywhere but her. Estella didn't care anymore, stripping clean as she dipped her whole body into the lake, hissing at her whole as she felt the awareness of pain. Her hands cover the necessary as the knowledge that the camera is on her, or maybe even zooming.

Aries start inventorying all his belonging, knowing both he and Estella won't be moving without a night of rest. Methodically. It's comforting somehow, especially with her humming as she washes her hair carefully. Aries can't help but grow a genuine smile, finally having her at his side.

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Estella is the first to wake up due to the loud yells and grunts coming not far from where they are. Slowly untangling herself from Aries's arms, they had spent the night wrapped in each other. Inspecting Aries's arm first before she stood up completely and tried to locate further the familiar sounds.

"Why are you up? It's too early." Estella gently turns, veering closer to Aries who now delicately stretches his body, carefully off his burnt arm. "There's someone- no, people close by." He raised an eyebrow, not understanding first, he needed time before he caught the loud noises of a group it seems. "Sounds like Cato and his stupid minions..."

"Katniss too." He stares right into those green eyes, attempting to see what's going on in Estella's mind, only to regret it later. "No." / "Can we at least take a peek if she's fine?" Aries scoffs, standing up with her following him. Moved his shoulder front and back to get the blood flowing, but hissed at the stupid pain from the fire. "She said and I quote, 'He made me look weak'. So, what in the world do you think she would want our help?"

Estella had to bite her tongue at that, Aries can be right about some things, rarely, but does happen. Like right now. "... Please." He took a glimpse at her and regretted it so much. The doe-eyes, a slight pout from her lips. He let out a frustrated groan.


They both look up; the sounds of an electronic bell fill their ears softly. They caught eyes with a sponsor it seems, the ball box thingy landed safely right in front of them. They both stare at it like it is the most unearthly thing to exist. The pair glance at each other. The male took a head step, taking the thing with hesitation, Aries opens it.

A note was in it: 'Apply generously around the wound. Both of you should be thankful. - Dennis'

Aries scoffed but a smirk then appeared, throwing what was inside the container to Estella who easily caught it. He looks around for a camera and flicks his middle finger at it, "Dennis finally got his ass up and started looking for sponsors."

"I think he is expecting a thank you then a middle finger."

"Well, beggars don't get to choose." Estella rolled her eyes as if that was unrelated. She took notice of how the yells had cooled down and no cannon blast, meaning Katniss was safe for now. "Seat down." He did as well, sitting on a huge rock as Estella gingerly applied the medicine around the burn. He let out a relieved sigh as the pain was beginning to become bearable.

Aries's blue eyes fall on Estella's, her distress for Katniss doesn't seem to settle, and when his eyes contemplate her open wound reminds him of the person who did this to her. He knows it's the Career, it's obvious. "... We'll check on her later once your wounds are covered in this shit."

Estella's eyes grew at the sudden comeback of the topic, softly thanking the male. The medicine seems to be working, particularly faster, as the wound has no longer shown bright red. Aries had help applying to Estell's wounds too. Only the back where she wasn't able to reach since everyone knows how dirty-minded he can get and she isn't giving him a chance. "It's still unfair. I gave us the green light to save Little Miss Everdeen and I can't help apply your front," Aries whines like a child as Estella packs their belonging.

"I would still go without your rights," Aries whined more, knowing there was no lie in that. "Now, cover me." Estella gestures for Aries to turn around. She used Aries's broad body to shield herself from the camera's eyes.

 She used Aries's broad body to shield herself from the camera's eyes

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