Canalave City Gym

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Just got the Fen Badge, and Barry is already talking to me... I want a break from him. Speaking of break, Team Galactic has a bomb. Let's go beat them up! OOP THE BOMB WENT BOOOOOOOM!

Okay, I followed and beat up that Team Galatic grunt and now Cynthia is here so yay! Now time for my Safari Zone Encounter! A Hoothoot! I caught her! Her name is Tubman.

I'm on Route 212, so this means a new encounter! A Croagunk! Dang it, I forgot to name him. Oh well. I'll fix that later.

In the Trophy Garden, I catch a Pichu that I name Pikachu and I also renamed Croagunk to Qrowgunk!

I finally make it to a wall of Psyducks and use a potion that Cynthia gave me so they moved out of the way. Speak of the devil, she's here! Cynthia shows back up and gives me a charm to give her Grandma in Celestic Town and I said, "Yes ma'am!"

I arrive in Celestic Town and an old lady tells me there's a spaceman who's got a bomb and I don't like that combination so Chunch Bag and Bastrid teach him a lesson. He leaves and I give Cynthia's grandma the old charm. She then tells me about the Lake Spirit things and then Cyrus appears again. He questions the old lady about the spirits and I tell him to shut up by fighting him.

His first pokemon is Sneasel so I send out Snake. Two Rock Slides later and Sneasel is dead. Golbat is next so I switch over to Plate. Golbat bites Plate but that doesn't go too well for him. Plate uses Extrasensory twice because Cyrus uses a Hyper Potion and Golbat is dead. Final Pokemon is Murkrow and Bastrid is ready to fight. One Thunder Fang later and his Murkrow is dead. We won!

Cyrus leaves and the old lady gives me Surf.  I leave and meet Cynthia again who tells me to go to Canalave City. She seems nice. I wonder if she has any Pokemon of her own.

Arrive in Canalave City and Barry fights me. His first pokemon is Staraptor and mine is Snake. Staraptor does little damage to Snake before getting buried under a bunch of rocks. Heracross is next and... dang it. I don't have Jesus Crig because I was surfing with NeckSh*t.  I send out Plate instead then to see how much damage I can do with him. Well I landed a crit so the Heracross is down.

Barry's Rapidash is next so I send out Chunch Bag and he's faster! Two Aqua Jets and Rapidash is done.  Torterra is his next pokemon so, taking a risk, I send out Shoelaces.  Silver Wind gets him in the yellow and he only lands one bite so we're still doing good! Would you look at that? Torterra is out and Shoelaces is victorious!  Oh he still has a Floatzel... Bastrid! Take care of it.

After that battle, Barry tells us about Iron Island so we gotta go check that out. I grab Jesus Crig and we set sail. We arrive and uh... oh uh.. hello there. What's your name, handsome? Riley? Oh! A gift! Thank you! He said he'll be in the cave if I want to join him and yes. Yes, I definitely do want to join him but I assume I'll need strength and rock smash to make it through so I'll go get my HM slaves. (I didn't need either.)

My encounter for this island is nothing. I think I've caught everything that can be found here. But I caught up with Riley and we team up! He even heals my pokemon if they get hurt. How kind! Oh! He also gave me an egg! I love this man! We'll hatch the egg if we need a spot filled after Lint and Rabies.

I go to challenge the gym but, while making my way to the Gym Leader, Snake is hit too hard by a Steelix and we lost him... there's only one thing to do. Let's hatch the egg from Riley! Welcome to the team, Greathe the Riolu! Or should I say, Greathe the Lucario! Yes, I did evolve him.

Alright... Greathe is ready to go. Let's take on the gym.

Byron's first pokemon is Magneton and I start with Greathe... obviously.  Greathe uses Aura Sphere and Magneton is down. Next is Steelix. One Aura Sphere from Greathe takes it out too. Bastiodon is last and I bet you can guess what happened here. It went down from Aura Sphere.

Yeah I earned the Mine Badge. Thank you, Greathe!!!

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