Pastoria City Gym

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I'm out of the gym and I'm already being asked to do something! Team Galatic stole Dawn's pokedex because of course they did. Let's beat 'em up.

My team is unstoppable. Dawn and I wipped them out. All two of the grunts.

Now I gotta go to a new city to stop them there. Boom! Cave time! Ruin Maniac Cave, to be exact. I already have a geodude too so my encounter is going to be a Hippopotas! Her name is Pludge.

Lakefront Valor encounter time! Girafarig! I'm naming her Pam. She seems like a Pam to me. Do I have an encounter for 213? WINGULL LET'S GOOOOOOO! Nevermind, Plate killed it. Dang it...

I'm in Pastoria City and I'm pretty confident that I can beat this gym so let's go do that.

I arrive at the gym doors and Barry arrives and fights me so that's fun.

First is his Staravia and I start with Plate who confuses him with Confuse Ray. I then switch to Bastrid and zappy zap the bird to death. Now he has a Ponyta so I switch to Chunch Bag like any sane person would and drown that horse.

Next is his Grotle and I think Shoelaces can handle him so let's see what happens. The Grotle spams withdrawl while I spam poison sting until I finally get tired and just use gust. Nevermind that did nothing so let's go back to poisoning this guy. Wow poisoned him with that next poison sting. I heal with Moonlight twice and hit him with Psybeam as the poison kills him.

Final pokemon is Buizel so I send Bastrid back out and zappy zap that water weasle like putting a toaster in a bathtub. Was that joke in poor taste? Probably. Sorry if that upset anyone and glad if anyone found it funny lol.

So it's time I talked about something that's been weighing on me... my team. I haven't been sure on whether I should switch it up for type coverage but I think that I should keep the Pokemon I have on it. They've been through so much and deserve to fight until the end. They may not be the strongest or best equipt for these challenges but they're going to try and overcome the odds regardless. I believe in them. 

Let's take on the gym leader...

His first pokemon is Gyarados and I start with Bastrid, obviously. Surprisingly, Gyarados outspeeds Bastrid but she still kills him with one hit so it didn't really matter in the end.

Next is Quagsire... Woogle's kin... and I send out Jesus Crig because he needs the spotlight after not being in any battles for a while. Jesus Crig uses Confuse Ray and Quagsire hurts itself. Jesus Crig lands a crit wing attack and gets the blue boi in the yellow when Quag snaps out of it and OH GOD THAT'S ROCK TOMB. I THOUGHT THIS WAS SAFE. Well it didn't even do half damage so he'll be fine. I use Confuse Ray again and oop Jesus got hit again. Hyper Potion baby! Quag hurts itself so let's see what Air Cutter does to him. It crits and kills! Nice.

Next is Floatzel and I'm tempted to use Chunch Bag to assert dominance but I send out Bastrid because I want to win. I already know that Chunch Bag is the best so I don't need to prove it. Anyway, two attacks later and the Floatzel is down.

We did it! We got the Fen Badge and Bastrid really needs to learn another electric type move that isn't Spark...

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