Sunyshore City Gym

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I can climb rocks.

I climb some rocks and reach Barry, who is crying on the ground because Juniper absolutely owned him in battle. Yeah, I'm not staying here. Barry can deal with his own problems.

I fly to Veilstone City and rush into the Team Galatic Headquarters, ready to beat up literally everyone I see. I'm running through the halls, sicking Bastrid on everyone until I reach the room where Cyrus is giving a Ted Talk.

I continue on my way through the HQ and reach Cyrus. He admits his goal is selfish and then compliments me. He calls me a remarkable specimen. Aww how sweet of- and he's battling me.

His first Pokemon is Sneasel and Greathe kills it in one hit. Next is Honchkrow and I switch to Lint. Lint sets up hail but is then hit by a crit drill peck. Lint doesn't die but does get put in the red. Lint uses Ice Fang and the Honchkrow flinches letting us land another Ice Fang. Honchkrow prepares drill peck but misses... we can do this. I tell Lint to use Ice Fang and Cyrus uses a full restore. But with luck on our side, Honchkrow misses every attack and Lint takes it out. Dear god this luck is insane.

His last pokemone is Crobat and I switch to Bastrid. It uses Poison Fang that does nothing to Bastrid and she returns the favor with Thunder Fang, bringing Crobat into the red and paralyzing it. One more Thunder Fang, and Crobat falls. Cyrus calls me strong and hands me the Master Ball before leaving for Mount Coronet.

I make my way into the lab and find Uxie, Mespirit, and Azelf, suffering in their confinments. I find Saturn keeping them trapped and we both decide to have a rematch. For his loss at the lake, and my loss of Shoelaces.

His first pokemon is Golbat and mine is Jesus Crig. After confusing his bat with Confuse Ray, Jesus unleashes wing attack after wing attack until his Golbat snaps out of confusion and confuses Jesus Crig. Jesus Crig begins to hurt himself in confusion but then snaps out of it and kills his Golbat.

Next is Bronzor so I send out Plate. Yep, we are doing these evolution battles. Plate confuses the Bronzor and then uses Shadow Ball before the Bronzor snaps out of it's confusion and confuses Plate! Plate doesn't let it get to them, however, and hits the Bronzor with Shadow Ball but the Bronzor returns the favor with their own Shadow Ball! Saturn and I are really on the same wave length. Anyway, Bronzor is dead and now it's his Toxicroak but Plate just kills it with Extrasensory.

With Saturn defeated, I hit the big red button and free the lake spirits. The next thing to do is head to Mount Coronet to stop Cyrus's insane plan. My team is tailored to this mission. We will not fail.

I arrive at the top and am challenged Mars and Juniper, but Barry rushes to my side to help me in this fight. They both send out their Bronzors and Greathe takes them out, one at a time. Oh and Barry's Munchlax is there too. The battle isn't really that interesting. Although, Plate and Barry's Rapidash make a good team. Confusing and burngnig the enemy on the same turn.

After our fight with Jupiter and Mars, Barry heals my pokemon, and I prepare for against Cyrus.

"Everything is ready for the creation of a new world. Now, all will end. And everything will begin. With this, the Red Chain made from the crystals of the three lake Pokemon... And this, the Red Chain I replicated with technological means... With these Red Chains I will pry open the portal to another dimension. I command that you unleash your power for me... Dialga, the mythical Pokemon, and the master of time! ...And the other. Palkia, the mythical Pokemon, and the master of space and dimensions!"

Two portals appear before him, bending all space and time as the two dragons appear, reality warping due to their very presence.

Yellow... Pink... Blue... The Lake Spirits. They circle overhead, preparing to protect all of Sinnoh... before they flee.

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