The wrong side of Heaven

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Your arm was hurting, really bad. It was pulsing and still felt like it is being teared open. The reason why you were beat up? Anti.

Anti lashed out again when you mentioned about hanging out with boys. You tried to stand your ground, like you usually did, but he got physical.

Anti was abusive, Seàn on the other hand wasn't in the slightest. "[name], I'm so sorry! I couldn't control him!" your older brother apologized immediately, hoping you accept it. Your breath hitched as you clutched the bleeding wound. "I know, Seán. And as for you-" you turned your head to stare into Anti's eyes, who had taken over in a split second, "-don't you dare open your mouth on me, ever again, or raise your fist, ever again. Because I know where that diamond is, and I will break it." A low growl escaped your lips as you threatened him. Just a second later you slowly stood up and walked upstairs into your room, slamming the door once you're inside.

You stood before your mirror. Your ears picked up the sound of Anti sobbing about the diamond. It was his heart, otherwise Seán would replace it, and your brother was actually only a vessel for Anti.

Ignoring the fact that you heard him sob, your bruises were crying for aid. Your bleeding arm specifically. A medic kit sat at the foot of your bed, you got everything needed out, even Tylenol, and cleaned the wound and wrapped it up. Just then, the regular chatty and happy Video-Intro of your brother shocked you. Of course Anti would have made Seán do a video after this.
You sat down at the side of your bed and began to softly sob and cry. The fact that you were late to school didn't bother you at all.

It was quite early, or very late, what-ever you want to name it, in California. Mark's head perked up when he heard the usual light ringtone of his phone. His hand crept it's way over to the desired object, grasping it and pulling it closer to his face. It was a message from you! He smiled and opened the chat up, but frowned when he read the text bubble. 'Could we do a Skype call? ...I feel terrible.'

It didn't take the red-dark haired male long enough to start up his laptop. While the object made soft sounds, as if waking up, he typed down a message and put on a shirt. 'Of course, dear. We can Skype I'm just booting up the computer. Have you been hit again? I would protect you, if I could.."

A soft smile placed itself on your lips, him caring so much about you just made your heart melt. But it worried you that he knew about Anti and how over-protective..almost obsessive, he was over you.
Anti always wanted to know what was happening to you, and what you were doing. It was haunting that he stalked you. Seán on the other hand let you have all the freedom in the world.

Your laptop, which hasn't been shut off for the night, suddenly announced the call with the soft Skype ringtone. You quickly threw on a hoodie, accepted the call and smiled softly at him. "Hey Mark."

He smiled softly back "Hey [name]. Could you show me them?" his voice was laced with worry. His face slowly went from happiness, to shock as he saw that your arm was bleeding and the rest of your body was black and blue.

"I am so going to-" He was about to ramble, angry to see you like this, "You're not going to do anything! Mark, please..Please don't start anything up, I don't want you hurt. It's tough enough to know that Anti beats me because of his worries."

He sighed "I only care, [name]." You sighed too, slumping a bit; "Everybody does.". Mark hated the fact that he had to see you like this, but who hated it the most was the raging demon inside of the red-haired male.

"M-Mark?" his head perked up at you, "Yes?" he smiled, not aware of what was happening. "Your eyes changed..the-they're black!" His face dropped and he quickly ran to his mirror, mumbled something and ran back. "I'm sorry, maybe it was the camera. But I didn't see a thing." he smiled, trying to sound convinced.

After this incident, you ignored everything about his eyes. Your fears and worries were much more important.

As you cried your heart out, Seán was recording and editing the video.

Once you felt better, you smiled dreamily at him. "I would love to meet you some time, Mark." Mark started to smile even wider and held up a small piece of paper. "You will. In three days!" It was a plane ticket to Dublin! You pressed your arms eagerly close to your chest, closing your hands to fists. Your knuckles were white from pressing them so hard together, out of excitement. You released a happy squeal and playfully hopped up and down a bit.
Mark erupted in whole hearted laughter. "Calm down, [name]! It's almost like as if I were a world star. Calm down-" he giggled and slowly stopped it.

The rest of the Skype call was just small chatter, about other things that have been planned.

After the call, your thoughts circled back to Mark's eyes and how they suddenly changed their color. It was weird. 'Does Mark have a darker side, too?'

It would explain Anti's breakout during a Skype call once, while Mark remained silent and almost..uninterested. 'This isn't normal..' this train of thought was like a play-train. Just driving in circles, annoying you every single time it finished a round.
It always passed you anew, if Mark had a bad side, how this is going to work out with Anti.. "What if they meet?!" You screamed in pure panic. Your voice was loud enough to alert Seán, who came dashing into your room. "[name]? Is everything okay?" You had to think for a second before telling him off, that it was nothing and he should sleep again.
Oh yeah, this Skype call was going on the whole day.

Later that night, you woke to a pair of arms wrapped around you. You were scared, but somewhat relieved to hear Anti fondly mumbling "My angel.."
You sighed and shifted to a more comfortable position, some hair of yours blocking your view in the darkness. "Stop scaring me.." you whispered. Anti sighed more and nuzzled his face into your hair, "I gotta protect you, though..Mark is coming over." He knew? Wait..Of course he would. Mark had to talk with Seán about it, and of course Anti would read the messages in secret. But at the mention of the sporty Californian, your heart skipped a beat.

"You're crushing?" the demon was confused why your heart skipped a beat. When it hit him, he held you even closer and emitted a low growl. "Mine." You gulped. You felt like you swallowed a rock. Anti was acting possessively again, it didn't make you feel any better. "D-does Mark have a d-dark side, t-too?" You were almost afraid to ask. Anti's breathing stopped, his eyes focused on the wall and his body was stiff. "Yes."

He pulled you a bit closer, but it was a soft grip he had on you. "And I am making it my priority number one to keep you safe. The side Mark has..he isn't like me. Not at all..He's insane, deranged and even much more obsessed than me. His being might come off as caring, but his apathy and monochrome behavior are much stronger, more effective, he can't fake it well." He sounded, scared, almost. Of course Anti would never show his rival how much he was afraid of him, he had to stand his ground. He slowly developed this personality and got angry easily, so much he forgot that you weren't him. "His name, is Darkiplier. Dark for short. He's an asshole, manipulative and just a straight-up dick. Please trust me on this, at least." he sobbed.

You didn't want to even imagine what Anti had went through. Trying to comfort him, you softly hugged him back. "I'll see for myself. If I do need help, I will scream for you." This placed a soft smile on the demon's lips.

The next morning, a content smile slipped past your lips. Seán and you both knew that Anti had come to cuddle the night before. "Morning, sis." Seán mumbled and let you have the side of the bed. You two did somewhat cuddle, in your own sibling way. You smiled and mumbled a soft 'mornin' back. Your alarm clock reminded you of school, but you decided to ignore it and slept through the entire day.

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