Storms called the Devil herself

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During the night, black clouds gathered and started pouring rain onto the dry streets. Lighting illuminated the area for a split second before everything went dark once more. A harsh breeze was pulling on the leaves of trees, almost desiring to watch them fall. It was so strong, it held onto the next day. The sun has risen, but it couldn't make it's way through the thick clouds.

It had rained all morning till evening, even when you decided to ride back home with the school bus. You were one of the luckiest students, acquiring a seat for yourself. Your eyes rested on the door of the yellow vehicle, then eyed how every student ,wet from rain, pushed the other inside. Lot's of colors from their raincoats, jackets and sometimes hoodies made your head spin. All these colors created a giant headache that was like a tight knot in the back of your head.

"Excuse me, may I sit here?" A girl asked, her accent resembled the one of an English woman. Her voice cut the headache in half and made you spin back to reality. "Sure.." you answered. All of the students were talking about lots of things, and shoes were squeaking on the ground.

You inspected the girl, just a little bit. She seemed to have green eyes, you guessed from her phone background. Obviously she had almost bleach blonde hair, which was soaked with rain. Maybe she didn't have a hood to cover herself with?
She had fished her phone out, plugged earphones in and started up YouTube. You would have guessed she would be watching make-up tutorials, but no. YouTube opened up a video from your big brother. You smiled as you decided to look out the window, to not look like a creep. She obviously liked him, like many others do.

Your phone played your list on shuffle, it didn't matter any way as you loved each song that is on there. "Kill her!" You snapped out of your peaceful trance. Where did that come from? 'What in the-?' you thought, your head spun around to maybe spot a voice that was so sadistic to whisper this into your ear. Nothing. Just students somewhat pressing into each other because it is quite crowded.

The bus took off, you were pressed into your seat without warning. This voice still echoed in your mind, it strangely sounded like yours..It only had a twisted, high-pitched ring to it. Instead you decided to concentrate on your music. You scanned the bus once more, deep in thought, until you spotted Warren. The poor guy was pressed between students, wet from outside, and getting cold.
When the first station had been arrived, most students poured outside and made their way home. Now it was much quieter and of course, emptier.
Warren decided to come over to you, starting a nice chat between you and him about Ireland. The weather was mostly dark and wet around November.

You closed your eyes when Warren said his goodbyes at his own station, and got outside. Your music echoed after less than a minute- "I said kill her!". An image of me with silver eyes startled you, and you turned with a stabbing motion. The girl was gone, luckily. You were lucky too that you were awake. Your bus station would have been skipped otherwise. You pressed the 'Halt' button and stepped outside into the stormy weather when the doors opened.

Before you could open the door to your house, Seán hastily pulled it open and you inside. "[name], please tell me you know where your Dragon Necklace is?" He held your arms, trying to get you to concentrate.

All of a sudden, you felt dizzy. You held your head and groaned in pain, slowly sinking down to the ground until your face met with the hard tiles of the floor. Your eyes had been closed, but when they opened, they scared Seán. Pure silver, that glittered just a tiny bit, reflected back in Seán's blue eyes. You smiled, fangs accompanied your normal teeth and your skin tone has turned a much unhealthier dark tone. "No.." Seán breathed, not believing that his precious little sister was turning. Why so quick?

He quickly pressed himself onto you, holding you back from doing any damage. Anti took over, and the first thing that came to his mind, was the guest residing in his room. "No!....Dark, help me!"

Dark jumped down the stairs, almost flying if you will. "I got it!" In his hand he carried the necklace, seems like he found it. A diamond had been placed in the middle. The Californian demon swiftly slung the necklace around your neck and closed it. It took a while, but you eventually came back to your actual self.
With a loud roar, your twisted version said her goodbyes and let you take over. You got up, Anti not sure if to touch you, or let you be. You stumbled towards the couch, unsure if it was even the correct direction, but when you kissed the soft fabric, you knew it was correct.

"Done." Dark breathed, still somewhat not believing what he had just witnessed. "She is going to be okay, right?" Anti did know he was lying to himself, but he could hope for some positive answers, right? He sounded a lot worried though. "She should be, for now. But why does she have this form? Shouldn't she like..look like you?" Unknowing of this answer, Anti shrugged.

"She was born in Ireland, with Seán, lived a happy life so far, developed mostly like him with only a few differences..Her twisted version should be like me." He gave up, couldn't figure it out at all. Anti dropped down into the couch opposite from where you slept. He was still skeptical about you laying there, kissing the fabric. Could you even breathe? The peak of your nose was pressed to your upper lip! "Shouldn't we like..move her?" He was indeed unsure, though.

Dark did look at you and snorted, finding your current position quite amusing. "Even though that should be uncomfortable, I'd say no. We might have a serious problem, if we do."

Anti did not like that idea, but yet again it came from Dark. Even though he somewhat relied on him, he still did not like him.

It took a few hours, but your eyes opened up again. Your face and your neck were especially hurting from your uncomfortable position. You did not even move during your sleep! You first decided to ask where you were, since your subconscious self obviously forgot. Light blinded you and that didn't help your orientation either.

You didn't notice footsteps rushing down the stairs until you heard Mark's. "Gosh! Thank the gods you're okay, [name]. Seán and I have been worried for the hours? Yeah. It's midnight." You looked around more tired. "Then, what's this light?" He chuckled. "The ceiling lamps. You would growl when it was shut off." He softly smiled at your form trying to get up, which you managed to do. "C'mon. Let's go upstairs." You nodded and let him help you.

Weak legs supported you on your way upstairs. You wanted to turn right, for your own room, but Mark decided to direct you to the left, towards his. "I know you want to sleep in your room, but I think it would be better if you sleep in here." You trusted him, so you just followed.

He carefully wrapped you into his blankets, making you look like a burrito. Thank god these were warmed up! Then he pulled the cold ones, the ones he did not use, onto himself and cuddled up to you. Of course your shoes were in the living room, so you didn't worry about dirt. "Thank you, Mark..and thank you too, Dark."

Dark made a soft change with Mark and smiled down at you. "Always, Princess." Your eyes slowly moved up and met with his own, black ones. The dim light from the lamp made it actually much more romantic. You were blushing because of the closeness.

Both of you decided to move your faces together, more. Until his lips brushed yours. He hesitated, but then softly pressed his lips onto yours, making you follow his rhythm until you were both in sync with each other. His hand touched your cheek, you wanted to be equal but your hands were stuck in the blanket-burrito.

You did pout when the kiss parted, but the magic still resided. You decided that cuddling him was comfortable. "I'll always protect you, Princess."

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