Stars in her eyes

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You were surrounded by nothing but black. Everything was black, except for the ground beneath you. It was like you were standing on a little white patch. Almost as if you were inside a video game. "Hello?" You decided to speak, but your voice only echoed further away from you. You tried to move, but it was like you were underwater. Your movement felt so constricted..

You tried to speed up and run, but it was useless. Your heart was pumping to keep up, to support your body. Your lungs were working fast and almost burning..But it was useless. You decided to look back and instantly regretted doing so. You screamed at the terrifying sight.

Anti had his arms around Seán. Your own brother was dead..His eyes and mouth poured blood out, his skin was as white as snow. Anti let him drop down and land with a heavy thud. "You're next, angel~" he purred, taking only two mocking steps toward you. You tried to run, but your muscles wouldn't oblige to the commands of your mind.

Air left you at a fast pace, more flowing out than in. You stopped breathing, your lungs now completely blocking off air. Your hands wrapped around your throat in shock and fear, lungs now desperate to catch air. Your heartbeat pounded in your ears and was getting weaker and weaker..
The green-haired demon before you smirked, then toothily smiled and erupted in mocking, haunting even, laughter. "You're gonna die, hon!"

"Wake up, [name], please!" ......."C'mon I can't loose you!" ....S-Seán? "She has a pulse!" ...Mark? Yeah, both of your friends were above you, frequently checking your pulse, your breathing and your reactions. When your finger subconsciously moved, both had a spark of hope in their eyes. Eyes fluttered open minutes later, a giant wave of relief washing over them.

"You're awake!" Seán softly hugged you and sobbed into your shoulder, Anti slowly took control and was sobbing just as gross. "I can't believe that even Dark was the one to save you.." Your blurred vision wandered over to Dark, who had an obvious sad look on his face. "Do you feel better now, sweetheart?" You wanted to answer the truth, but lied to let them relax just the slightest bit: "Yeah, I'm good.." Both sighed in relief and Anti picked me up, bridal style. "You were dead..We thought you might never wake up again. You must've had a heart attack." Dark explained. It sounded like it hurt him to tell you this, but what surprised you was, that he put an emphasis on 'we'.

Instead of calling an ambulance, both demons decided they'd give you some medicine that could possibly help and laid you on the couch. Your heart was still recovering from it's attack. 'I fear my own dream is going to be real..' Your thoughts on it scared you even more. Your head was pounding like crazy, a giant headache formed..It was comparable to a hangover.

Anti did notice you had a headache and went to get painkillers, meanwhile you instinctively cuddled up to Dark, having an extreme desire to be held right now. Arms wrapped around him, head on his shoulder and eyes closed, you mumbled a soft 'thank you' into his ripped shirt. He sighed contently and snaked his own arms around your fragile body. "It could be, that I am the reason for your heart-attack....and the headache. My powers sometimes get too strong and overwhelming that I kill people, just by being around them." His hand was now resting on his forehead..He was blaming himself for getting you hurt.

You sighed and cuddled up closer to him, softly pressing your lips to his cheek. A soft peck getting him a little bit happier. You were quite confused about Anti's behavior..Instead on insisting on an ambulance, he had you at home and cared for you. Even when Dark probably almost killed you and seemed to be sorry. 'I'd never expect this from Dark..Didn't Anti tell me, he was full of apathy?'

The headache got much stronger and almost unbearable. You cried and gripped the demon's shoulder tightly. Just then, Anti came back with a giant load of medicine. "Medicine arrived, take it.." Dark softly ordered, helping to sit you up and hand you the glass of water and pill after pill. You swallowed each and every pill one-by-one, Dark and Anti keeping their eyes on you. Surprisingly, both were calm and not threatening to kill each other silently. When you were done, you handed them the empty glass back and were close to falling asleep. This had drawn a lot of energy from your body.

"Why do you care?" you whispered into Dark's ear. It startled him a bit, but he was more than happy to answer. "You're an amazing girl. I dream about you every night..I couldn't stand it seeing you hurt..And seeing you unconscious, close to death, like this it tortured me." His answer warmed your heart, it was so charming and seemed plausible to you. Every other worry from Anti about Dark washed away.

Anti made Seán cook something for lunch, but by the time you were asleep in Dark's arms. To keep Dark busy, he turned on the TV and set it to a low volume to not startle and wake you up. Everything about this moment was a surprise to all three of you, but the panic from before made this moment and a few following others, much more precious.

"So, what do you do when she is completely yours? But remind yourself, she is still my angel." Anti did try to glare, but it turned out to be more of a weird staring contest between the two. Dark sighed heavily, causing you to move a bit to a more comfortable position. "I know, Anti. I know. I take care of her, when she is with me. But I fear that she might not have the strength to survive me."
Anti's eyes widened and he got angry. "Don't you dare do that to her!"
Dark sighed again, still trying to find another way but isn't able to. "I might have to. There's no other way she can survive me. It's a wonder she survived you thus far."

The twisted leprechaun snorted in amusement and crossed his arms. "She was always a sassy one, putting up rules to shut me up and ignore me. That's why she survived thus far." A statement like this made Dark laugh his heart out. "You're getting bossed around by a normal human? That's hideous!" His laughter kept on going, making Anti only roll is eyes at the other's behavior.

A few minutes passed and the mocking laughter has turned to silence, only the TV frequently interrupting it with buzzing and static. Of course the news were running, too.
Anti got up, not able to hear the static anymore. He walked off to another room, but came back about ten minutes later with a giant book in his hand. A family book. "I wanna show you something-" He opened it and started to flip through all pages until he finally got to a specific page. In it were lots of baby to child photos of you, the rims of the pages were covered in childish drawings with pink, red and green marker. "[name] as a baby, and here as a kid. She was extremely happy on that day. I don't remember exactly why, but she was happy either way."

Dark mustered the picture before his eyes. It was old, had become yellow at the corners, but it was all-the-while beautiful. Your smile was bright and directed at the camera. "Those are literally stars in her eyes." he whispered. It reminded him, Mark had the same stars, or spark, as he would like to call it, in his baby to childhood pictures too.

Dark drowned in thought over it. Maybe she does have a twisted version, too. It would break his heart to know she had one. Anti was swooning and bathing in nostalgia. If it were for both of them to be in a cartoon, you could see little flowers and hearts popping up over his head. "I would go insane if she had a twisted version of herself." Anti couldn't imagine this, however the small thought never left the back of his head. "You are already insane, Anti. But it could be possible for her to have one. But where would that diamond grow, anyway?"

It took them a while to figure possible places out. "Didn't she have this dragon necklace?" Anti slowly nodded as he realized what Dark was going for. He knows where [name] has it hidden. He decided to run up to her room and rummage through it until he would find it, but ended up empty handed even half an hour later. "It's gone! We gotta find it, otherwise she is screwed."

Due to the noise both of them made, especially Anti, you woke up and rubbed your eyes. Your subconscious self has had heard the conversation both of them had. "Guys, I don't have twisted persona. I would've turned a year ago, anyway." Both were shocked from your answer, but nodded either way. It was true, they both turned out to have it around their twenties, too. You are about twenty-one years old..Why you were still in school and living with your brother? A few teachers and friends know, but the Author doesn't, however.

Resuming back- Both demon's cheeks flooded with blood and were red- or in their case, black, from embarrassment. You began to laugh and shook the tiredness away. But you truly did not know, there was a twisted persona inside of you.

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