-Name of the Game-

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As you walked out of the complex building, you dialed your best friend's number and pressed the green call button. You placed the phone against your ear, listening to it ring as you waited for her to pick up. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kaori. I'm headed over there right now." You stated through the phone. "O-oh...okay. Do you need me to come pick you up?" She asked. You thought about her question— debating whether you wanted time to yourself or wanted a friend— and eventually told her yes then told her where you were. Of course, using her quirk like always, she got there in a matter of seconds and the two of you arrived at her house in no time as well. When you walked into the house, her family greeted you with warm hugs and congratulated you on the big win in the Sports Festival. "Do you want to join us for dinner? You must be hungry after all of that fighting!" Kaori's grandmother said gently. "Yeah I—"

"Actually I kinda wanted to ask her about that Bakugo guy she went up against. A few girls at school were interested in him so I told them I could ask (Y/N)," She explained to her family. "But we'll join you guys right after." Her family allowed for the two of you being excused from dinner for the time being, then you were practically dragged to her room.

"That was a lame excuse."

"What else did you want me to say? I needed some way to get you away before they saw that!" Kaori said, gesturing towards your neck.

"Saw wha—?" It only took a few seconds to register what it was she was talking about. You ran to her full body mirror and examined the marks left on your neck. "Oh my god..." you mumbled to yourself. "Care to explain what happened tonight?" Kaori asked with a slight smirk plastered on her face. Honestly, part of you wanted Kaori to know what happened for some reason, but you didn't feel like taking any advice or being lectured at the moment. "I...rather not talk about it." You told her still looking in the mirror. The sudden change in Aizawa's attitude tonight kind of bothered you. Not a single word was said on the way back to his place and when you left he hardly said anything. On top of that, Kaori's advice when it comes to relationships and intimacy isn't the best. Kaori could tell from your expression that you were being serious. "Okay. Well luckily, I kept some makeup you left over here a few months ago. I'll try to cover it up." Kaori patted her bed, signaling you to sit down. She pulled up a video on the internet and followed the instructions given, step-by-step. Once you were all set, the two of you joined her family for dinner.

~time skip~

The next day flew by just as fast as the day before, and before you knew it, you were back at UA. Everyone was discussing their days off and how people recognized them from the sports festival. "Hey, (Y/N)! I bet tons of people recognized you, right?" Denki said as you walked past his desk. "Well plenty of people already know about me since I helped the heroes a while back." You replied then walked to your seat.

"Morning." Aizawa greeted blandly before walking inside. "Good morning!" The class sung in union.

"We are having a special hero informatics class today," there was a short moment of silence before he spoke again. "You will be coming up with hero names."

"We're doing something exciting!" Everyone shouted as they jumped out of their seats. "Without hesitation, Aizawa activated his quirk, calming the class down in seconds. "This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation."

"So we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked, huh?" Hagakure asked. "That's right. And here are the totals for those with offers." Aizawa took out a remote, pointed it at the chalkboard and pressed a button. Names of you and your classmates one by one appeared on the board, the highest amount being first and lowest amount being last. "In other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on these three this year." He explained motioning towards your name, Todoroki's name and Bakugo's name. "Gah, there's such a big difference!" Kaminari exclaimed as he threw his head back in discouragement. "Those pros don't know a good thing when they see one!" Aoyama remarked.

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