-Results and Recognition-

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Tomorrow will make it one week since you took the recommendation entrance exam for U.A. and you couldn't help but to be anxious about the results. Everyday you checked the mail for something from U.A., but you always showed up empty-handed. You sat in your room on the edge of your bed thinking to yourself. 'Why am I so nervous? The result should be here tomorrow, right? I should get in anyway whether I failed or not. Alright, calm down, (Y/N),' you thought as you deeply inhaled then slowly exhaled. 'I just have to make sure I get to the mail before Dad does.' You looked at the clock hanging across the room. It was 10:42 PM. You sighed. "I'll just go to bed and hope it comes in tomorrow." You mumbled to yourself then got in bed. You stared at the ceiling until you felt yourself slowly dozing off into darkness.

You opened your eyes and was blinded by the sun peeking through your curtains. You sat up in bed and stretched a little. You looked at your door, which was cracked opened a little bit. You got out of bed, quietly walked towards the doorway, stuck your head out, then slowly opened the door. You walked out to the living room and saw your dad asleep on the couch with seven empty beer bottles on the ground, one empty one in his hand, and another empty one on the side table. "He'll be out for a while." You said thinking out loud. You walked back into your room and put on some clothes.

You came out again fully dressed and quickly, but quietly, walked towards the front door. You grabbed the door knob, and before you could twist it, you heard your dad speak. "Where are you going?" It was as if his ears are trained to alert him if someone—mainly you— touches the front door while he's napping. You immediately froze in your tracks trying to come up with a believable lie.

"I'm just going out with some of my friends." You told him. He stood up and faced you and you faced him too. You kept eye contact the whole time and watched them as they looked up at the clock hanging above the sofa. "At 9:00 in the morning? Seems a bit earlier doesn't it?" He asked abrasively. You stood there with a blank expression on your face and maintained eye contact with him. "No, actually it doesn't." It was silent for a moment. "I don't have time for any of this. I'm going to bed. Stay away from those wannabe heroes and villains." He said then walked off into his room. Once his bedroom door closed, I quietly opened the door, and quickly stepped out. After gently closing and locking the door behind you, you started walking to who-knows-where.

As you continued to walk, you heard chaos going on a few blocks down, then explosions. You gasped excitedly yet nervously. "Villains!" You tightly held on to the bag on your back and ran towards the trouble. As you got closer, the sounds of screams, cries, and crashes frightened you, but only enough to make you slow down to a speed walk. The incident was now right around the corner you were about to turn. Your plan was to avoid any trouble and just help where you could.

You made the necessary turn and saw four villains, all with military gas masks on and guns, causing an uproar without even using their quirks. They were setting buildings on fire with gasoline and matches after robbing them of whatever was inside. There was a build up of car accidents, one on top of the other.  People were jumping out of buildings into dumpsters. The heroes weren't at the scene yet but the media was. From what you could see, there was one person using their water quirk to help put out the fire, but it wasn't as strong as Backdraft's water quirk.

'That's useful.' You thought to yourself as you watched the quirk in action at the moment. Your quirk, copycat, lets you copy quirks of others for a limited time. You dropped your bag and waited until the villains were out of sight. They went inside a shop which was your cue to help the guy trying to put out the fire.

"Where are the heroes? A-aren't they supposed to be here he-helping us?" The man cried out.

"It's alright! You're doing a great job!" You said trying to reassure him.

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