-First Assignment-

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~Your POV~

We started with the 50 meter dash. Last night, I purposely left my bag at the coffee shop to copy Kaori's quirk. I didn't want to use the quirk of someone in my class right off the bat but I still needed one. Seems like I'll be using their quirks anyway. There's an odd number of us, so I was left to run by myself.

"Wouldn't it be best to have competition to motivate you?"

"She's going by herself?"

"She probably won't even be that fast."

"It's a race against the clock."

I could hear everyone talking about my situation. "On your mark....get set... POW!" As soon as the gun went off I took off. Everything moved so slow, it almost looked frozen. Finally I reached the finish line and deactivated the quirk. "0.07 seconds." I turned to my classmates who all wore dumbfound expressions. "When did she move?" Shoji asked, thinking out loud. "Whoa, Iida she's faster than you! Haha!" Sero taunted.

~Todoroki's POV~

The ability to copy. It's truly the strongest quirk out here. At the entrance exam she was one of the last ones to go and she copy most of our quirks and got first overall. She's powerful but humble; two great qualities to have. I can't say I expect any less from her.

~End of his POV~

I looked at Mr. Aizawa who happened to be smirking. My face immediately heated up, leaving me to hide my face as I walked back over to the rest of the class. A girl with purple hair and plug-like ears walked up to me. "Hey, you're really fast! It's (Y/N), right? I'm Jiro." I flashed a smile. "Thanks, Jiro. I was actually pretty nervous." You chuckled. We quickly moved on to the next test which was the grip strength test. There's one guy with a super strength quirk, but he relies on sugar to use it. 'If I copy his quirk could I modify it to where I don't have to eat sugar?' I didn't bother copying his quirk and decided to just use my natural strength. Turns out I'm a bit stronger than a few of the guys.

Next was the standing long jump and for that, I amplified Asui's frog-like jump. For the repeated side step, I reused Kaori's celerity. Then came time for the ball throw. I wasn't sure if I should go with my own strength or someone else's. Uraraka used her quirk to make the ball weightless, but I don't want to copy her or steal her thunder. "Is everything alright, (Y/N)?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

I panicked at the sound of his voice and blushed. "Y-yes sir." I took a deep breath and made my decision. I copied Uraraka's quirk to make the ball lighter then mustered up my strength to add some power. I launched the ball and hoped it got far enough for me to release it. Once I felt like it was far enough I placed my two hands together and released the ball. I looked at Mr. Aizawa as I waited for my results. As I looked at him my mind started wondering, thinking about him. He looked at me causing me to snap back to reality. He held out the device in his hand and it read 1309 meters (4295 feet). Everyone either cheered or just couldn't believed it. I shared a few more seconds of eye contact with the teacher, then he swiftly looked me up and down. I gave a flirty smile and walked back to my classmates.

'What am I doing?? I'm his student!'

'What am I doing? I'm her teacher!'

"(Y/N)! That was awesome! I think that might be one of the best throws we have other than Uraraka's." Hagakure bubbled. "What's your quirk? You're really fast, but you jump and throw far! Is it like super strength or something?" Ashido asked. "Thank you! I actually-" before I could finish my sentence, I noticed the green haired boy getting ready to throw. Everyone went quiet and watched as he just stood there. "What's that quirkless small fry gonna do, huh?!" I heard the angry blonde kid rant. 'Quirkless? Sure he isn't doing all that great. But if he was quirkless, how'd he get into UA?' What he said didn't make sense so we all watched patiently. He finally changed his stance to prepare for his throw then threw the ball. From what I could see, he isn't quirkless, but when the ball landed it didn't land too far from him. "46 meters." Everyone began murmuring about what just happened, even he was confused.

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