-(Sorry, not an update)-

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Hey guys! Sorry about not posting in such a long time! There's a few things preventing me from updating right now:

Slight writers block

I'm not sure if anyone saw the message I posted a few weeks ago, but I posted a message under the conversation tab on my profile asking about the next chapter. I understand if you just didn't know about it/ see it, but it would be nice if you guys could comment here whether you would like the next chapter to continue with the story or be a lemon chapter that's semi-unrelated to the storyline. If you don't know or just don't care...then that's fine too! Please let me know your opinion. A lot of you guys are asking for an update but I can't really do that until I can get an idea of what the next chapter will be focused on.

Thank you guys so much! I'll get to work as soon as I get a good amount of comments for the vote💕

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