-One Step Further-

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The time for the internships approached and those of you who got offers from agencies were gathered at the train station with Aizawa. You noticed several passersby staring at you all in awe as you stood together in a group. "I'm still not use to all the stares." Jirou stated as she leaned in towards you, Tsu, and Yaoyorozu. "I know, but we'll have to get used to it." Yaoyorozu said as she closed her eyes trying to keep herself together. "You all have your costumes, right?" Aizawa asked you all. "Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them or anything."

"Yessir!" Ashido chirped holding up the case containing her uniform. "Speak clearly!" You're teacher demanded. Ashido lowered her case and held it close to her chest. "Yes, sir..." Aizawa gave you all more instructions before sending you all off. You all began going your separate ways as you looked for the train you needed to ride to get to the agencies. Once you found the train you needed to get on, you boarded it and took a seat. After a few more minutes of waiting the train began to leave the station, leaving you surrounded by strangers, yet alone with your thoughts. You began thinking about your aunt and how long it's been since you've saw her. The last time you could recall seeing her was before your dad filed a restraining order against her many years ago, claiming she broke into the house and kidnapped you one night she came to help get you and your mom to her place. Your aunt was trying to shine the slightest bit of light on the situation, but it was his word against hers. On top of that, he was the trusty police officer who was making his way up in the rankings while she wasn't even a well known pro hero yet. Your mom already knew what the outcome would be and unwillingly stayed silent at the time of the incident since no one would listen to her either, and you were too afraid to speak up at the time.  You were extremely excited to spend this week with her and catch her up on most of the things happening in your life. You stared out the window watching the trees and buildings outside fly pass your window as you waited for your stop.

Time went by, and the train stopped at your destination and you got off then began the walk to the agency. Although some of the buildings surrounding you changed—and it's been a while since you've last been here— you could somehow still remember the way there. As you went on your merry way, you looked around and noticed how much has actually changed. There were a few restaurants your mom and aunt used to take you still around, and everything looks just as bright and colorful as the memories you have. After a few more short minutes of walking, the white agency building appeared in front of you, the exterior of the building looking just as you remembered it. You continued to approach the simple, yet complex, office building and realized your aunt and her sidekick—who has pale skin, a pink pixie cut, iridescent wings, pointed ears, blue eyes, and wearing a white and red kimono with detached sleeves with geta sandals and knee-high stockings on— were standing outside the building. Excited, you quickened your pace.

Once you got closer into their view you could see your aunt's face light up with joy as she did a small jog towards you. "(N/N)!" Your aunt chirped, as bubbly as her quirk. "Aunt Kasumi!" You speed up into a jog meeting her half way and wrapped your arms around her. She did the same as she squeezed you tightly as if to say she regrets letting you go. "Oh, it's been forever since we saw each other! I wish we could've spent more time together, all because of that devilish father of yours," She said mumbling the last part. "Anyways, Let's go inside! I wanna introduce you to everyone! Oh! Speaking of introductions, this is my sidekick Fujimori Akari. Fujimori, This is my niece (L/N)(F/N)." The two of you exchanged bows before you followed them inside, only to see many things where changed. Everything looked shinier, more modern than you remember, but there were a few things still the same such as the color scheme of white, grey, and shades of blue throughout the building.

As the three of you walked around, she excitedly introduced you to anyone in your vicinity saying, "This is my niece, (Y/N)! She's visiting for an internship!" You guys came across one guy who mentioned the time you were in the newspaper and on the news, which brought something else to your aunt's mind. The three of you walked away from the hero you were just talking to and Aunt Kasumi placed a hand on your shoulder.  "I want to show you something since you're here. Fujimori," She called out to her sidekick. The pink hair girl swiftly turned her head, waiting for her to finish her sentence. "Could you give us a few minutes alone?" without a word, Fujimori walked away in an almost timid manner. Your aunt left her hand on your shoulder for a few more seconds before walking in the opposite direction. You followed behind her and the two  of you walked through a set of double doors.

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