-Among the Fallen-

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Last night, after you left the hospital, you came home and realized that your dad wasn't there. You woke up this morning and he still wasn't there. You shrugged it off and reached for your phone. It was only 6:09 AM. You started to think about everything that happened yesterday– The villains, the attack, how badly injured Aizawa was.



'Holy crap I'm dating Aizawa!' You thought to yourself. You got happy just from the thought of him. The two of you decided to make the relationship official, but keep it low-key. You began to realize that you forgot to call and tell Kaori about this. You knew she was more than likely up right now and quickly dialed her number. "Hey." She answered. "Hey, guess what?" You asked, desperately wanting to answer before she could say anything else. "Your school got attacked by villains yesterday." Kaori guessed. "I– n-no. Wait how do you know about that?"

"It's all over the news. My grandma's watching it right now and I overheard it. I'm glad you're okay, (Y/N)." Kaori told you with worry in her voice. "Thank you, but that's not really what I was calling for. After the incident, I went to the hospital and told Aizawa how I felt about him."

"You what?!" Your best friend shouted in amazement. "Yeah. Like always, you were right. He felt the same way. We decided to keep everything secretive, but of course, we made it official." You informed her. "I can't believe you actually did it! And you usually struggle with telling guys you like them. My little baby's growing up." You heard sniffling sounds on the other side of the phone indicating she was crying. "Stop, it's not that big of a deal." You laughed. "But it is! Now I have to complete my mission."


"What mission?" You asked. It was silent for a few seconds. "What was that grandma? You need something? Sorry (Y/N) I gotta go."

"Kaori." You could tell she was bluffing.

"Love you lots!"


"Bye!" She hung up. You placed the phone down on your bed and decided to go ahead and get dressed since you were already up.

Once you ate breakfast and got everything together, you left the house. While you were walking to the station you heard a reporter lady talking on a digital billboard but you paid it no mind. "This is a follow-up report on yesterday's incident at the U.A. training facility, where hero course students were attacked by villains." You shifted all of your attention to the giant screen as the lady continued to talk. "According to police investigations, the criminals call themselves "The League of Villains" and have been plotting to kill All Might, who has been a teacher at U.A. since the spring of this year. Police have arrest 72 villains, but still don't know the whereabouts of their ringleader."

Pictures and videos of some of the villains were being displayed and they also put the teachers and students on screen after the attack, including you. You could only hope your dad didn't see this. You continued your walk to the station then got on the train as soon as you arrived.

You were finally in front of the school and walked inside to your class. After minutes of walking, you came up on the classroom and all everyone talked about was the news. You silently sat down at your seat in the back of the class. "(Y/N), did you get to see Aizawa yesterday?" Uraraka asked as she approached your desk. In your opinion she sounded kind of loud. You looked around before saying anything and saw Todoroki looking at you. You smoothly looked away careful not to look suspicious. "Not so loud next time," you whispered. "He's fine. He should be here today."

"Huh? But he was injured pretty bad! Wouldn't it be better for him to stay in the hospital?" Uraraka questioned. "If he wasn't healed maybe. I copied Recovery Girl's quirk and used it on him. Her quirk didn't work when she used it, but when I copy a quirk, I can enhance it or modify it to make it stronger or suitable for me." You told her. "Wow (Y/N)! Your quirk really is amazing!" She gushed. "Since we're on this topic and I trust that you'll keep it between us," you leaned in towards Uraraka before speaking in an undertone. "We confessed our feelings last night." You whispered excitedly. Uraraka gasped and smiled. "So y'all are together?" She whispered.

Taboo (Mr. Aizawa x student reader)Where stories live. Discover now